
KT6: Hugh Mason

Rule #1

  1. Describe the four components of the psychomotor domain.
    • Play – Skill of sport
    • Motor – agility mobility.
    • Fitness – cardio, strength
    • Physical – balance form
  2. Select psychomotor tests that have been constructed properly.
    • Personality Test – Disc Assessment, published by Wiley, is a non-judgmental tool used for discussion of people’s behavioral differences.
  3. Describe the procedures for the construction of a psychomotor test.
    • Organize groups, explain the purpose, and review the instructions.
    • Demonstrate.
    • Administer test.
    • Posttest.
    • Score the test.
    • Interpret the results.
    • Develop a routine or program
  4. Describe the pre-testing, testing, and post-test responsibilities for the administration of psychomotor tests.
    • Pretest – is like a practice test
      •  Develop a test schedule- What days, how long, order of the tests
      • Create a list of equipment
      • Consider space – how you use the space
      • Avoid congestion
      •  Test layout  Have knowledge of the test
      •   purpose, administrative procedures, # of trials, how scored
      •  Standardize test instructions – test is completed the same way each time
      •  Groups – tested all at once, smaller groups
      • Test assistants – trained, same person administers test
  • Testing-
    • Organize group for instructions
    • Give test instructions – clear and simple
    • Demonstration with verbal directions
    • Administer test
  • Post-test –
    • Score all test items
    • Compare results to normative data, age & gender (ratings, percentiles, mean, low/high score)
    • Identify strengths and areas in need of improvement
    • Interpret test results


  1. As a test administrator, what things should you consider to assure the validity and reliability of the test you are using?
    • Data, age & gender (ratings, percentiles, mean, low/high score)

Rule #2

  1. Describe the shape of normal distributions.
    • The normal distribution is also called the Gaussian curve and the bell curve.
    • State 7 features of normal distributions.
    • Normal distributions are symmetric around their mean.
    • The mean, median, and mode of a normal distribution are equal.
    • The area under the normal curve is equal to 1.0.
    • Normal distributions are denser in the center and less dense in the tails.
    • Normal distributions are defined by two parameters, the mean (μ) and the standard deviation (σ).
    • 68% of the area of a normal distribution is within one standard deviation of the mean.
    • Approximately 95% of the area of a normal distribution is within two standard deviations of the mean.
  2. State the proportion of a normal distribution within 1 and within 2 standard deviations of the mean.
    • 68% is the means and 95% is the deviation of the means
  3. Answer the questions (show your answers in your Plectica map) for questions 1–6 at the bottom of Online Statbook C.
    • 1) 35 and 45 68% of the distribution is within one standard deviation of the mean. 40 + 5 = 45, 40 – 5 = 35
    • 2) 14 and 26 95% of the distribution is within 1.96 standard deviations of the mean. You can round 1.96 to 2 to approximate. 20 – 2(3) = 14, 20 + 2(3) = 26
    • 3) 0.8413 Use the “Calculate Area for a given X” calculator and enter Mean = 5, SD = 2, Above 3. You will get 0.8413.
    • 4) 116.15 Var = 100, so SD = 10. Use the “Calculate X for a given Area” calculator and enter Mean = 120, SD = 10, Shaded area = .35. Click below, and you will get 116.15.
    • 5) 43 Use the “Calculate X for a given Area” calculator and enter Mean = 38, SD = 6, Shaded area = .80. Click below, and you will get 43.05, meaning a score of 43.
    • 6)  78.7 Use the “Calculate Area for a given X” calculator and enter Mean = 38, SD = 6, Between 30 and 45. You will get 0.787, meaning 78.7%.

Rule #3

  1. Read the following Plectica Functions Presentation: Read
  2. Create your own Function (must post in your Plectica map) via Interactive Simulations for Science and Math at Phet https://phet.colorado.edu/ — go to “Math” then “Function Builder”.
  3. Answer the following questions in your map:
  4. What is a function?
    • A function can be anything at all that are elements of a set.
    • A function is simply the correlation of each element in one set to exactly the one element of another set.
  5. What is the purpose of a function?
    • To show the relationship between input and output.
  6. How can you apply a function in health and human performance or administration in healthcare?
    • You can test the result of two people with the same condition with two different remedies. See study the result and correlate each element.

Rule #4

  1. Read Cynefin and Complexity: A Gentle Introduction — Click here http://bit.ly/2vrwWuG


  1. What is “Context” and why is it important?
    • Context is how you get you info and it is important to form the most truthful and factual information. Cause once we categorize something it is very difficult to change your mind about it.
  2. What is meant by “Sense and Respond”?
    • The ability to respond to information without having all the detail.
  3. What does “Sense-Making” mean?
    • Making sense of a situation by filling in the gaps with your form of commonsense.
  4. What is the difference between “Emergence” and “Order”?
    • Order- the arrangement of disposition of people or things in retaliation to each other according to a particular sequence or pattern.
    • Relationship between cause and effect are unknown, unpredictable or not perceivable.
  5. What are the 3 Types of Systems?
    • Ordered System- tightly contains agent behavior.
    • Complex System- loosely constrains agent behavior
    • Chaotic Systems- imposes little or no constrains on agents.
  6. What is “Flow” and “Self-Organization”?
    • Distributed Cognitions, Autonomy, Dynamic Interaction, Simple “rules”, Locality and Ignorant.

Rule #5

  1. Survey Link: Completed

3 thoughts on “KT6-H.Mason

  1. It looks like you understood the function machine much better than I did. I messed around with it for a while and was lost!

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