1. What did you think of the Syllabus? Was it helpful?

The syllabus was pretty straight forward and in the typical format I am used to.

  1. What did you think of the Textbook? Recommended Reading/Books? Were they helpful?

The reading in the textbook so far has been very informative. The textbook reading is very easy to read. I would may like more color and pictures to stimulate readability but the necessities are there and are presented well.

  1. What did you think of the How-To Videos? Were they helpful?

The How-To-Videos are very helpful. I refer to them minimum of twice per assignment to make sure I am going in the right direction. They help clarify my direction and they should never be second guessed. Trust me, they are needed!

  1. What did you think of the Audiobooks and Text to Speech

The audiobooks are a great alternative to reading. I always prefer getting information read to than reading.

  1. Documents to read and videos to watch.

The Documents and videos really put the icing on the cake. Reading is great and it will help you get a detailed understanding of the subject. Once you have read and can get a Subject matter expert (SME) to explain it to in a clear, straight forward video makes all the difference. I am enjoying this focus on YouTube learning. I have never had this in any other class. (This class has had a lot of “never before done” comments from me.) “That’s a good thing” – Martha Stewart

  1. What do you think of Plectica?

Plectica is becoming my new bestie. She helps me organize my thoughts and she makes it pretty for presentation. She is my rock. I look forward to more late nights with her, like tonight.

  1. What are your expectations for Tableau?

I have not had much interaction with Tableau. I sighed up for it the first week of class but I don’t feel I have used it other than for the grade dashboard. Maybe I have been using it and not knowing it.

  1. What do you

Since my run in with the free version limitations I have leaned on, my girl, Plectica. She treats me so fine. Why fix what isn’t broken.

  1. Did you use Thinkquiry? If so, was it helpful?

I am still not fully aware of what this is. So I may be using it and not know but again lots of programs I just may be confused about what I am really using and my understanding of it.

  1. Complexity and Emergence

Complexity was cool because it looks at the parts. Its important to focus on getting the parts right to make sure the whole is working effectively.  Emergence seems like a form of evolution. Either that or it works in tandem with Evolution. It occurs when something is pushed to the breaking point. That is how great things come about when a system is pushed to the brink of destruction and it is forced to survived.

  1. Innovation and Organizational Learning

Organizational learning is needed in any business model. It is a great roadmap as it takes from many different areas to have as much complete information as possible to get the results you need. Innovation keeps things new and keeps things getting better and better. That is needed in most if not all aspects of life.

  1. Cynefin Framework

Great way to help you identify what situation needs to be evaluated. IT is a great aid for decision making.

  1. OODA Loop

It is a good method and was created by a military man. It is basically observe–orient–decide–act. This is how most hospitals are rain and how the personnel carry out their daily duties. It’s a good way to make sure no important steps aren’t missed.

  1. Toulmin Method

I prefer the Toulmin method more b/c I think it was a more simplistic approach to digest an argument. I am not sure if it was b/c of that or something else that resonated with me more but I did enjoy the Toulmin method more than Read Team.

  1. Read Team Argument Deconstruction

This deconstruction was kind of intense (if I did it as intended) It was a pretty lengthy map and some of the questions seemed like it directed me to repetitive answers but maybe that was the goal. I am not sure, it was totally new to me. I like how it made me break apart the reading assignment into 16 questions. It’s better for understanding when you take something apart piece by piece and digest it in small doses.

  1. Double-Loop and Single-Loop Learning

Double-Loop is great because it’s a more complex way of using the trial-and-error method. It keeps things fresh because it causes you to always review, question, and reevaluate your current to make sure its update to date and accurate. Single-Loop is a favorite of mine because it promotes adaptive learning. It is an Error and correction method. If at first you don’t succeed try and try again. Its a simple logic but effective and needed.

  1. Professor Greg Bunch Video

This video was great with breaking down how strategy works and how different levels of strategy are different but equally important to the goal.

  1. Soldier Vs. Scout Mindset

This comparison was so straightforward that it almost didn’t need a description or definition.  I never heard of this mindset before but after learning about them they mean exactly what they say. When you think of what a Soldier does vs. what s Scout does, it was pretty easy to differentiate the two.

  1. Nominal Group Technique

Nominal Method seems like a more of an altogether old fashion group discussion on an issue. It’s an open forum style discussion where everyone get their ideas out and everyone discusses. This is preferred depending on the issue at hand and the results needed. Face-to-face can make sure things are continuing to move.

  1. Delphi Method (Structured Communication Technique)

Delphi uses interaction between group members via questionnaires. Once again depending on what resolution is needed this method may be better than face-to-face. Pros is it keeps the discussion more organized and I like that about this method.

  1. Context Analysis

Context analysis is a method to analyze the environment in which a business operates. Looking at the environment and not just the business itself is crucial. If the business contradicts the environment, it will fail.

  1. CM5

CM5 was, as most maps in this class, introduced me to new concepts I like learning about different ways of learning and how certain models prosper with different ways of learning.

  1. CM6?

CM6 brought a common thing we do at most of our jobs and broke it down into different models. Meetings are a part of our life if we work in corporate. Knowing what technique is best for which project and which type of meeting/group is needed is important. CM6 gave me more insight on my everyday workings while on the job.

  1. EM7

This was a great start to my blog so I loved it. Great way to get the juices flowing in my brain! And it was exciting to figure out something new that interests me!

  1. FM8

I like this map b/c it give us a chance to reminisce about where we started and where we are today. Some of my answers haven’t really changed, but others have had significant additions and deletions to my fillings on the subject matter being asked about.

  1. Extra Credit

I appreciate the Extra Credit, Especially when I am the one getting it for doing a map first. I feel appreciated for getting ahead and I feel it is paying off.

  1. Facebook group?

The Facebook group has gotten more useful and more entertaining since I started using it. Keep this in play. It’s just another venue we can use to communicate. And it’s more mobile friendly when I am not near my computers.

  1. Connection with experts

I love the access to the professionals on the topics at hand.

  1. What are your expectations moving forward?

I am expecting to continue learning. I expect to learn until the last day of this class. Every map is full of new concepts and ideas that I have never heard of. Some ideas I use daily and just didn’t know it until this class. (i.e. gist and databases)

  1. What would you like to see change?

My thoughts are the same about this: I would only recommend a defined list of all our tools and ideas. I am thinking a list of tools along with their use. The same goes for our new thinking processes we are learning. You can add those to the list too. Maybe a quick one pager in the syllabus that way we can see what’s coming, have an idea about it. And for the tools and registrations we can always go back to that one pager to know how to get in and expectations around the tool. You are already explaining a lot in the syllabus of what we need to do but I have to go thru and find it. It would just be nice to have everything in once place since we have so much new stuff being sent our way.

  1. What is one thing you love?

I love the constant exposure to new concepts. I love that this class is a hybrid of Healthcare Admin and “Let me blow you mind” new concepts that not only relates to Healthcare but also all other parts of life.

  1. What is one thing you hate?

Again, hate is a strong word, I don’t “hate” anything about this class, but I have found some of the mapping can be very time consuming. I really don’t have a suggestion on how to shorten that b/c all the mapping questions seem relevant. I could be just being a brat about speaking 5 hours on an assignment all at once. I could spread it out over the week, but the way my life is set up, that isn’t always feasible. So, I usually do it all in 1 or 2 sittings.

  1. What can the instructor do immediately to make the class better?

I think I wouldn’t mind a mapping break a couple of weeks and maybe read a really interesting “out of the box” article about either Healthcare or a Swarm type learning topic. Then do a quick write up about it. Maybe write a review or response about what we read. I know that’s old school methods but due to the engagement of the students in the class I would love to see some article debates with agreements and disagreements.

  1. What is a question I should be asking, yet I am not.

At this time, I feel you have asked everything that needs to be asked. I only say that b/c I usually have a lot to say, but I really didn’t know what to put here. I think you left me with nothing to add. I call that “success” for Dr. J.S.

4 thoughts on “FM8

  1. I like the suggestion you made about taking a break from the maps to focus more on a healthcare or swarm learning style article and having everyone agree/disagree with the topic. We have a great group of classmates in this course. I think that would allow us all to get to know one another better and provide us with a collaboration opportunity!

  2. Anthony, I LOVE that you suggested that we focus more on healthcare! I have a similar life like yours: sometimes, a couple maps need to be done within a shorter time period.. such is the life of online schooling 🙂 So, I definitely feel your concerns regarding that.
    I really think it’s great that you are so honest with your feedback replies and that you add some humor in there!
    Great job.

  3. The recaps of previous maps are great refreshers for where we have started and where we are going. Your comments are straight forward with great recommendations. Keep up the great work.

  4. Anthony – I am giving you extra credit for your feedback! You provide valuable feedback with comic relief!

    Regarding your idea (hc or swarm article review), can you send me a separate e-mail on how you would construct this? I might have you create the assignment for it. Would you be interested in doing that?

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