EM3 Red Team


  1. Which option did you choose?

Red Team

  1. Why did you choose it? What interest you?

Red team is a strategy that peaked my interest when I quickly learned that it was created with the mindset that life is complex and ambiguous. It allows individuals to use a flexible and cognitive approach to organizing and planning individual situations. There is structure within this strategy, as well as specific techniques that are used to help people ask better questions to fully understand situations. This helps decrease the number of items that could have been missed. I am interested in Red Team because I feel like it is something that I can learn from and potentially apply to my real-life job once I step back into a leadership role. I believe that I can use the Red Team methodology within the project management space. The Red Team is specifically beneficial in organizations that are complex and strong. This approach helps organizations identify and approach fixes. I am also interested in the four principles the Red Team highlights.

·       Self-awareness & Reflection (SAR)

·       Groupthink Mitigation (GTM) and Decision Support

·       Fostering Cultural Empathy (FCE)

·       Applied Critical Thinking (ACT)

3.    Do you plan on writing a blog or an essay?

I plan on writing a blog for this assignment. The blog is appealing because of the extra points, but I also want to challenge myself to see if I can write a blog. I always liked the idea behind writing a blog sometime in my life. Why not start with this class?

·       https://www.plectica.com/maps/DFBQIV0ZL

4.    What do you think about rationale.com?

Rationale online is an awesome tool. This class has really opened up my eyes to really neat sites that I feel like are going to be useful outside of this course. I like that it assists in helping individuals organize their thought process behind writing an essay. I do wish that it allowed users to do more with the free version. I was only able to edit and use five boxes, so I got creative within Pletica to create my essay/blog outline.


3 thoughts on “EM3 Red Team

  1. Great looking blog outline so far Lara, I also see the fascinating approach Red Team brings to the table, and I look forward to reading more on this subject with in your blog.

  2. Lara,
    I liked how you created your blog. You really used all the available ways to break down your key thought into a well-stated ‘issue statement’. I thought Red Team was extremely interesting, which is why I am going to use that for my future blog/essay as well!
    I feel the same way about RationaleOnline, it really could be a useful tool if I had the full version! Great job with how you created an outline in Plectica instead!

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