EM3: Essay/Blog Assignment Nathan Dooley

Which option did you choose?

Option B Cynefin Framework

Why did you choose it? What interests you?

I chose Cynefin Framework because it peaked my interest in regards to individual use with in a health care setting.  In the health care provider setting I believe that this could be utilized effectively with each section and is able to adapt to settings easily.  It also gives a great predictability if the service provider stays with in a simple managerial scheme.  You are always able to move from one section to another which is why recommendations come with this framework for administration to follow.

Do you plan on writing a blog or an essay?

Yes I do, I believe medium is a good place to begin?  I am sure we will have options later in the course, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

What did you think of Rationaleonline.com?

It is quite useful in seeing wholes with in an essay or outline.   This is great for someone like myself who has a hard time finding the plot wholes or areas that need addressed more.

Plectica Maps: Essay/Blog Map https://www.plectica.com/maps/QAYYPAH12

Questions Map https://www.plectica.com/maps/9UFP6NLPC

4 thoughts on “EM3: Essay/Blog Assignment Nathan Dooley

  1. Hey Nathan,

    I was superclose to doing my on the same topic. It was hard to chose but I think Red Team is a great topic too. Great choice. I am a fan of the this framework and i see lots of benefit in the Healthcare field. I too used Plectica for my Essay Map (smile)

  2. Nathan,
    I think that your essay/blog map is really great! I like that you used different types of relationship lines to show what you are thinking. It is a really good idea to see if you can get an interview with someone in health care to determine what kind of framework they use (or if they use one at all).
    I used Plectica for my map as well.. I liked Rationaleonline, but it would not let me go over 5 cards! Great job on creating the outline on Plectica, I think it worked well!

  3. Nathan,

    I can relate in that rationale online provides a framework that allows me to see missing pieces or parts that may not be addressed thoroughly. It reminds me of physical flashcards I was advised to make when conducting a research paper. I assume it’s a similar concept where you can see what you have, you can move things around in a way that makes sense, or you can change things.

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