Lara Newman- FM4

What did you think of the Syllabus? Was it helpful?

Reading the class syllabus for the first time is always a little overwhelming. I felt like the layout of the syllabus for this class was good. I still felt a little confused because I was so unfamiliar with Swarm Learning and some of the tools we utilize within the class. I found the videos to be helpful!

What did you think of the Textbook? Recommended Reading/Books? Were they helpful?

I have honestly been spending a lot of my time figuring out some of the tools we use within the class and haven’t had much time to expand out into reading some of the recommended books. I do think the textbook is helpful, and wish we spent more time exploring the textbook within our assignments! I look forward to reading the recommended readings/books that were previously mentioned. Those items will allow me the opportunity to further expand upon healthcare administration.

What did you think of the How-To Videos? Were they helpful?

I found the videos to be extremely helpful! It will take some time to adapt to the Swarm Learning style since I am new to this type of learning. The videos allow me to feel more comfortable and confident in completing the weekly assignments. I appreciate the time and effort spent in putting together those instructional videos. They are more useful than relying on weekly emails that contain the assignment instructions.

What do you think of Plectica?

Pletica is an amazing tool that I wish I had known about prior to this class. I am having a great time exploring the different functionality within Pletica and appreciate the simplicity or complexity that individuals have the opportunity to choose from when it comes to map and presentation layouts! This tool allows us to be creative with our assignments.

What are your expectations for Tableau?

I’m honestly not sure what my expectations are for Tableau outside of being able to track my grades. I will have to get use to the idea around everyone being able to view their classmates grades/performance! Visibility may help increase individual performance.

What do you think of

The idea behind is something that I thoroughly enjoyed. The functionality within the website looked pretty neat in our assignment video. I am a little disappointed with the access that came with our free accounts. I am still contemplating if I would like to spend the money on the full version to help with my blog!

Did you use Thinkquiry? If so, was it helpful?

I was honestly a little overwhelmed with all of the different tools that were being introduced within the first few weeks that I briefly touched Thinkquiry. I think it would have been really helpful if I had put more time into using it. It really helps with understanding DSRP!

What do you think of ST v2.0 (DSRP)?

DSRP is something I had never heard of until this class. I thought ST v2.0 was a cool tool that helped me better understand the DSRP systems thinking process.

What do you think of the new concepts introduced?

All of the concepts introduced thus far are new for me. The different concepts that have been introduced throughout the course have helped me understand processes and forced me to become more open-minded.

What are your thoughts on Lean Six Sigma? Is it a career path you would be interested in pursuing?

Lean Six Sigma is something I have always enjoyed since the first time I heard about it at work seven years ago. I have completed my yellow and green belt and need to continue on with the process in order to become a black belt. My company doesn’t seem to really promote or compensate individuals that have pursued the Lean Six Sigma journey to becoming a black belt. However, I do believe Lean Six Sigma is something that can separate an individual from others when applying for different jobs. This is something that the healthcare industry is really trying to push!

What did you think of the Pyramid Principle?

The pyramid principle is a structure that I truly believe helps to organize ideas. I found it to be helpful with organizing the structure of my blog. Summarizing ones thoughts and ideas allows people to begin thinking about the material that will be included within their blogs or essays.


What do you think of Knowledge Transfer?

I am a big believer of knowledge transfers. We use them all the time at work. They help teams pass important knowledge to other teams that would also find that information to be valuable. Transferring and sharing knowledge across teams helps eliminate the organization from being siloed. It also helps to ensure newer people are provided with the opportunity to gain knowledge that they would otherwise not gain without the opportunity of a knowledge transfer. It allows organizations to grow and become stronger!

What are your initial thoughts on Swarm Learning?

I was honestly confused at first as to what Swarm Learning was since I had not previously heard about it. I was overwhelmed and feared that I might have signed up for a class that is going to be way over my head. The Facebook group helped me feel more comfortable and confident with the Swarm Learning style!

What did you think of the barriers of learning?

Barriers of learning affect our overall ability to learning new concepts. They are everywhere and hard to break down. Learning something new can already be so stressful, but it is important for us to break down barriers during the learning process. My biggest issue is that I am extremely visual. It was difficult understanding the expectations around building a map in Pletica until seeing the first post. I now understand why the people who post first get extra credit!

What did you think of the Stable Datum?

I am grateful for the how-to-videos that are posted each week! Those videos really help me understand what it is we need to do for each assignment, as well as allows us the opportunity to learn more about the different concepts that are introduced within this class. Not a lot of professors will post videos within the online class community. This makes it difficult at times when trying to understand assignments. I like that stable datum is not all mathematical! My organization will send individuals onsite when they are new without the necessary training. It can make for an uncomfortable week when you don’t understand what it is you need to be doing.

What did you think of the first assignment (CM1)

The first assignment was a little intimidating. I just didn’t understand Pletica and what Swarm Learning was. I really enjoyed making my first map once I understood the assignment. It was fun to see everyone’s different maps they created and learn about all of our classmates!

What did you think of CM2?

CM2 was more enjoyable to me since I understood the creating maps within Pletica. I did get a little confused at first with what was expected for the assignment, but I finally figured out how to create the map within presentation mode. This was the first assignment that had us use our book. I enjoyed reading more about the healthcare industry and systems thinking. My CM2 map was created to only include a summary of my answers. I decided to go with a simplistic approach.

What did you think of EM3? And do you plan on writing a blog? Why or why not?

EM3 was a little confusing since doesn’t allow people with free accounts to do much within the tool. I would have really enjoyed using that tool. It allows people to really organize their thoughts and ideas by using a pyramid principle. Thankfully I was able to use Pletica to create a pyramid and provide a brief summary of what I was planning on doing for my blog. I do plan on writing a blog. I have always wanted to attempt writing a blog. Between my desire to write a blog and the extra credit, I feel like writing a blog is a much better option for me to pick!

Does it help knowing that students from this class (and others) have published blogs.

Yes, I was glad we were able to see a few examples of what others have published.

What do you think of this assignment (FM4)? What are your thoughts on providing feedback that can change a class in progress? Have you ever been asked from an instructor before (throughout the class, not just at the end)?

No, I have only been asked to fill out the FHSU surveys at the end of the semester. I like that we are given the opportunity to provide feedback. It shows that our opinions are valued and that someone is listening to what we have to say. The feedback provided from past classes was used and implemented. I feel like sometimes I see posts on Facebook that mention items that have been changed within this class and others.

What are your thoughts on the extra credit opportunities(e.g. blog, Facebook, and first to post)?

I love the extra cred opportunities that are provided within this class. Not a lot of professors allow for extra credit opportunities. I can see why the extra credit is offered for the above reasons. It takes a brave student to post their assignments first. Extra credit for the first post is motivating us to break down the barriers and take a stab at the assignment. I also enjoy the Facebook group. This group allows us to post interesting information that coincides with what we are learning, as well as gives us the opportunity to post our maps and get some feedback from past classmates.

Are you a member of the Facebook group?

I am a member of the Facebook group! I like that there is a Facebook group for this class. I must admit that I was intimidated by the group at first since it contains individuals outside of our class that have experience with Swarm Learning and Pletica maps. I just had to get use to the concept of utilizing Facebook with current classmates and past classmates.

Do you think the Facebook group is useful? Why or why not?

Yes, I do believe the Facebook group is useful. It gives us the opportunity to connect with not only our classmates but those that have already gone through the class. We are given the opportunity to get feedback on our work from Swarm Learning experienced learners, as well as read articles that are posted about relevant items we are learning within class.

What do you think of the WordPress Learning Community? Is it better than blackboard? Why or why not?

I like that we have the opportunity to get outside of Blackboard. The WordPress Learning Community was not hard to learn. The notifications on the side make it easier for us to see who is posting within the community. Sometimes it is difficult to read posts and view new ones within Blackboard unless you do a little digging within the discussion boards. Viewing everyone’s grades was a new one for me. It doesn’t really bother me since we don’t have exams or quizzes within this class. Just something I had to get use to.

Take me through your thoughts and emotions as you started this course……where are you now?

I was excited in the very beginning and a little overwhelmed since I didn’t understand why we were using another tool outside of Blackboard. For some reason, the second assignment really got to me. I didn’t necessarily understand what we were supposed to do once the presentation mode was added into our map concepts. I never thought to myself that I should drop the class, but I was confused in the beginning. Now that we are a month into the class, I feel a lot more comfortable with all the tools and the concepts of Swarm Learning. I also love that we have a little support group and mentors within the Facebook group if needed.

What are your thoughts of the instructor using Tableau to grade and sharing the Student Dashboard?

I would prefer if our grades were kept within Blackboard for consistency with other classes across FHSU, but I like Tableau. I use Tableau at work so it wasn’t something that was necessarily new to me. Using grades within the tool is new, but the concept of Tableau was not new. I don’t really mind if our grades are shared within the student dashboard since we don’t have tests and quizzes. It was something that I had to get use to since grades are something that are private amongst students. Maybe that’s because that has always been the norm?

What are your expectations moving forward?

I am hoping the class stays consistent with what we have done so far. I feel like I finally understand what we are doing. If there is anything new introduced, it would be nice for those new concepts/tools to be introduced slowly and not one week after another.

What would you like to see change?

I have honestly enjoyed what we have done thus far. If there was something I would like to change, I think it would be the grade sharing.

What is one thing you love?

I love the Swarm Learning concept and the community we are using for the class. This course is making us think outside of the box. We take so many graduate classes that use the same tools. That can get a little boring and monotonous over time. This class has given us the opportunity to be more creative with the concept maps. I also like that there is no black and white. We are given the opportunity to think outside of the box and use the gray area.

What is one thing you hate?

I was disappointed when we were introduced to and didn’t have the right access to fully utilize the tool. I don’t mind paying for the upgrade, but would it be work it? Is it something we will be using again?

What can the instructor do immediately to make the class better?

The only thing that comes to mind is regarding the relationship between the book we were asked to purchase and our assignments. I would like to see more assignments relate to the textbook.


3 thoughts on “Lara Newman- FM4

  1. Hi Lara,

    Nice map and great feedback! I can definitely relate to “I was excited in the very beginning and a little overwhelmed since I didn’t understand why we were using another tool outside of Blackboard.”

    Like you, a look forward to connecting the online tools to the textbook content just like we did with the CM2 assignment.

    That is wonderful that you have completed yellow and green belts with Lean Six Sigma. I wonder if it applies also to Human Services/Social Work. I honestly have not explored it deeper other than the link provided to us to read about it! Initially, I thought Dr. Schwandt was referring to martial arts (Karate, Tae-Kwondo, etc) 🙂

    Best Regards to your studies,
    Josefina Howard

  2. All the confusion is great!!! Run with it, I know it can seem stressful, but once you stop letting the stress build and just get into it everything else follows. I can definitely see some great concepts I will be learning through you Lara. Keep up the great posts, and feel free to reach out anytime.

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