Sam Ottley – FM4

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What did you think of the Syllabus? Was it helpful?

I think that the syllabus was helpful. I think that they way this class is setup differently, this syllabus was needed for a little bit more of a clarification on how the class was conducted.

  1. What did you think of the Textbook? Recommended readings/books? Were they helpful?


I thought that the textbook readings were very helpful. I thought that they were very in depth and covered quite a bit of material.


  1. What did you think how-to videos? Were they helpful?

The how to videos were a saving grace! I think that there is quite a bit going on in this class and the how to videos really summarize everything that we need to do while going over a bit of content and I find then to be incredibly helpful.


  1. What do you think of plectica?

I enjoy using plectica and creating the maps to answer the questions. It took some getting used to, but now I know how to use and it is a great tool.

  1. What are your expectations of Tableau?

I tried getting on Tableau once to check my grades for this class and saw that it was in a bar graph, which is interesting I guess and something different.

  1. What do you think of

I liked it other than the fact that it would not let me do anything without purchasing a year long subscription. I ended up using Plectica to create my outline. It seems like a great tool, but since I haven’t used it much I cannot say I have an opinion quite yet.

  1. Did you use Thinkquery? If so, was it helpful.

I tried it out, but I did not end up using it for the outline. I was able to come up with enough things but I can see myself using this in the future.


  1. What do you think of ST v2.p (DSRP)?
  2. What do you think of the new concepts introduced?
  3. What are your thoughts on Lean Six Sigma. Is it a career path you would be interested in pursuing?
  4. What did you think of the pyramid principle?
  5. What do you think of Knowledge Transfer?
  6. What are your initial thoughts on Swarm Learning?
  7. What did you think of Barriers to Learning?
  8. What did you think of Stable Datum?


  1. What did you think of CM1?

I liked CM1, I think it was a great way to learn plectica and just really learn how to create a map.


  1. What did you think of CM2?

CM2 was good as well, another great use of plectica and a chance to use the waypoints.


  1. What did you think of CM3?

I ended up using plectica for my outline but did incorporate as much as I could since that was part of the assignment and what looked like a very useful tool. I am very excited to get started on by blog!


  1. Does it help knowing that students from this class have published blogs?

Yes that does help quite a bit and something to reference!


  1. What do you think of this FM4? What are your thoughts on providing feedback that can change a class in progress? Have you ever been asked from an instructor before or in a class not just at the end?

I think that I have been asked for feedback in the middle of a class, but it would have been over a smaller portion like if we liked the way we had an exam or something like that, not on the whole class. I like this class so far, I really enjoy the class discussion and seeing everyone’s work on the website. I think that getting feedback from all students taking the class will ensure that the class will only get better moving forward.


  1. What are your thoughts on the extra credit opportunities?


I like these, I think that it only encourages people to go above and beyond, which is what extra credit should be used for.



  1. Are you a member of the Facebook Group?

Yes, it is great!


  1. Do you think the Facebook group is useful?

Yes I do. I am always on Facebook so this is actually really easy for me to stay up to date on all posts on a daily basis.

  1. What do you think of the WordPress Learning Community? Is it better than BB?

I do like the learning community. I will admit, at the beginning I think that I found it a pain to always have to go to that website instead of BlackBoard, but now that I see how easy it is to navigate and use I would prefer the WordPress for sure!


  1. Take me through your thoughts and emotions as you started this course.. where are they now?

At the beginning I was overwhelmed and was trying to get a grasp at how I could be successful in this class with all that was going on. I am much calmer now that I have a good grasp at how to tackle the work for this course.


  1. What are your thoughts of the instructor using Tableau to grade and sharing the Student Dashboard?

I don’t mind the dashboard being shared, especially when the class points are really mostly participation points! If you answer the questions, create the map and be responsive to those in the course, you will have a great grade! I still have not used Tableau quite as much so the jury is still out on this for me, but it seems simple enough.



  1. What are your expectations moving forward.

To continue to learn and use plectica!


  1. What would you like to see change?

I don’t see any need for changes as of yet.


  1. What is one thing you love?

I love the openness of the course with the WordPress and how that is our own community.


  1. What is one thing you hate?

Hate is a strong word! I wouldn’t say I hate this, but being uncomfortable is never fun, but it can be a tool to becoming smarter. Using different tools, a different class set up, and needed to learn all of the new ways this course functions made me uncomfortable, but I know it will only help me!


  1. What can the instructor do immediately to make the class better?


Nothing at this point!

2 thoughts on “Sam Ottley – FM4

  1. Hi Sam,

    Your Feedback Map and your honest answers are appreciated. We have been introduced to many tools and concepts. I think given that making maps and presentations can be time-consuming, too many tool options sometimes can slow down productivity. I hope to simplify and narrow down to just two resource to use – Plectica and/or RationaleOnline. I also like forward to learning more about Health Care management from the textbook.

    Best Regards,
    Josefina Howard

  2. Sam,
    Great job! I thought the how-to videos would be beneficial. You should thank the last couple of classes as they didn’t have them. This was a consistent theme in their feedback maps!

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