Christopher Payne EM3

Which Option did you choose?

I chose Option D: Red Team

Why did you chose it?  What interests you?

Red Teaming builds toward the future. I love to think about and talk about the future.  I love casting vision, and this methodology brings people together to dream about what could be, good or bad, and then take steps toward or away from those scenarios with the vision out in front of them

Do you plan on writing a blog or an essay?

I definitely plan on writing a blog.  150 extra points is hard to turn down.

What do you think of

I think it’s a great tool.  If I used it all the time (which I could see myself doing) it would be worth the $39.

3 thoughts on “Christopher Payne EM3

  1. Hi Chris,

    I love your honesty about the extra points for creating a blog/essay! I, too, will create one because the extra points and skills we learn are worth it! After seeing the Grade Dashboard, my competitive nature kicked in 🙂

    Your map/outline looks very nice and precise! I think it is awesome to create visions for the future. It allows us to have a sense of purpose, hopes, and dreams; hopefully not just to better ourselves but our society as a whole. Team Work makes the Dream Work!

    I hope to explore more information about the Red Team concept later on. It looks very challenging!

    Best Regards,
    Josefina Howard

  2. Hi Chris,

    Your rationale map looks awesome! How did you figure out how to bypass the limitations on the free accounts? I had trouble making modifications to the maps in Rationale, so I ended up creating mine in Pletica. I like how your map is set up to help you write your blog. I also chose the Red Team. It looks like it will be a difficult topic, but well worth it!

    I like that you specifically pointed out how the Red Team methodology focuses on the future. It is so important for health care administrators to be looking forward into the future so they can ensure they are staying ahead of the curve. Great post!

    1. Laura,

      I didn’t bypass the limitations. I just paid for it, as I didn’t see any other ways around it.


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