Chris Payne CM15


Directionality of flows
In regard to health care, directionality of flow pertains to patients, providers and policies that move in or out of a country or area for a variety of reasons.  Those patients, providers or policies can flow into or out of these areas.

Four ways of seeing
1.  How you see yourself, team, mission, etc. 2.  How the opposing side views itself. 3.  How you view the opposing side. 4.  How the opposing side sees you. As a seven, I may view myself as a three (Achiever), but the person I’m in relationship with may help me understand that I’m actually a seven, because while I do share some traits with a three, my friend may help me understand I’m more scattered and not as single-minded as a three.

How to get people in and out quickly?

How many people can we schedule?

Questions to answer (build a concept map)


  • What is meant by directionality of flows?
  • What is meant by reverse innovation and explain how you could use the idea in healthcare administration?
  • What is your Enneagram personality type? Why should you be aware of your personality type?
  • Just for fun… what is your Enneagram spirit animal?
  • What is 4-Ways of Seeing? Demonstrate the technique with an understanding of personality types.
    • X = you
    • Y = Dr. Schwandt
  • What is String of Pearls? Demonstrate the technique using the concept of reverse innovation.

Reverse Innovation
The idea that innovation should actually be sourced from smaller, less developed environments and adapted for use in larger more developed environments.

I’m a 7 with an 8 wing.  I think it’s extremely important to be aware of one’s personality so that I’m aware of how I may respond to situations or scenarios.  Knowing myself and others helps me lead them well so that I can know what it’s like to be on the other end of me and I can understand how people are wired.

Enneagram animal
I am a monkey.  I’ve been watching Friends reruns lately, and this is hilarious.  Just call me Marcel.

String of Pearls
String the Pearls –  1.  How to create Doctor’s office that gets people in and out quickly   a.  Who will be employed?   b.  What will they do?   c.  what does the room look like?   d.  How many people can we schedule   e. How is it done in Africa where there is a disparate rate of providers to patients? 2.  Spider web   a. See diagram to the right   b.  Identify key dependencies, identify valid assumptions and possible consequences of methodology from African clinics. 3.  Compare linked similarities between U.S. clinic and African clinic or offices.    a.  Find critical pearls.  What items need immediate attention?  Why are they done that way in U.S. vs. Africa? 4.  Identify variables that need to be examined further.     a.  Prepare to share findings about processes adapted from African clinics and how they will work in U.S. and why they should be implemented.     b.  Highlight key findings.  Prioritize immediate tasks.

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