Lara Newman CM9

Phew! That was one heck of an assignment. Although it was a little more challenging than the others, I do feel like this assignment was the most rewarding!

What is the sender, receiver, feedback model and how does it apply to you?

The feedback model allows individuals to understand that one must understand the psychological, practical, and contextual factors that are involved within communication. We must pay attention to the entire context of the message being communicated, as well as the intended meaning of the message. I am a project manager at work. How I relay messages to my project team and client is extremely important. The feedback model explains exactly how I should be communicating to my peers and clients. A good leader understands how to accurately communicate something out to individuals in a way they understand the context and tone of the message.

What are examples of barriers to communication in health care?

  • There are five specific barriers within communication.
  • Negative or ambiguous relationships- One must establish a good relationship with individuals. People will listen to someone they like and can trust. Don’t be too negative or ambiguous with communication.
  • Poor Credibility- People will listen and follow someone that is credible. I came from the pharmacy team at work. People see me as a credible leader since I come from a solution team.
  • Conflicting Belief Systems- Position one’s ideas or message towards the individual/audience’s beliefs. People will not buy into something that goes against their belief system. Why would someone who doesn’t believe in CrossFit won’t be motivated or interested in hearing someone talk about CrossFit.
  • Conflicting Interests- When selling a new EMR system, one must focus on the buyer’s interests and needs when discussing the different pieces of functionality.
  • Communication Mismatches- Adjust the way you present something to the group based on who you are presenting to. Add humor into the situation when dealing with a fun group but act serious when in front of an important group of people.

When conducting a stakeholder analysis – or just simply thinking about your stakeholders’ interest in a systematic way – what are three important questions to ask? How do you see these questions being asked in health care? And who are the stakeholders?

  1. Why might it be in the other party’s interests to support my idea?
  2. What do other parties want that I can give them to gain their support?
  3. Why might they say no?

Whenever a new process is being implemented or eliminated. The stakeholders are the owners, staff, board members, government, and customers.

Create a stakeholder map for a health care organization and describe it similar to the map on p.173 of your textbook.

              Map in Pletica.

Create a power interest matrix for a healthcare organization and describe how you would create one.

              Map in Pletica.

Describe what a social network is. Use this class as an example. Then create a social network for this class – similar to the one on p.178 of your textbook.

  • A social network is the connections within a group of people and the environment that these people live and work in. The Facebook group we use for this class is considered to be a social network. It allows us to connect with our classmates, as well as with others that have already completed the class.

Create a social network for a large health care organization similar to the one on p.178.

              Map in Pletica.

Describe what the different communication networks are and provide examples of them.

  1. Chain- Simple hierarchical communication. This specific message flows downwards and upwards from one level to another. EX: Requesting vacation days
  2. Y- Communication network in a Y pattern. People report up to a manager that also reports to someone more superior.
  3. Wheel: suitable from when there is communication with several people who do not need to communicate directly with one another. Ex: Keep the stakeholders in the loop with important information
  4. Circle: Peers tend to communicate within a circle. Come for regular meetings and events. Anyone can communicate with anyone.
  5. All Channel: Information flows freely. Real-time team meetings.

Is strategic communication or leadership simply just manipulation? Define the three: strategic communication, leadership, and manipulation. Then discuss your answer.

Although they sound like they relate to manipulation, these concepts do not necessarily mean manipulation. Strategic communication is all about communicating something strategically to a group that allows you to ensure the message was received. Otherwise, someone could mix up messaging. Leadership helps lead, or guide, individuals. Bad leaders will manipulate, whereas good leaders will help guide.

Strategic communication- Communicating or presenting a concept in a way that allows a person to hear the message and be more likely to favor and support the concept. Also considered to be a means of communicating a concept or process that could be used to satisfy a goal.

Leadership- Having the ability to lead and/or guide other team members, or the entire organization.

Manipulation- Influencing or convincing someone to believe something.

What is TRIZ and how can you use the tools discussed in this presentation?

TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatchlt) is a toolkit, method, processes, and a bit of philosophy to help people understand and solve problems in creative and clever ways. TRIZ can help you play/think smarter. It allows individuals to reapply other solutions to help solve your own problems. This tool can help me think conceptually and break down complex concepts. An example of this is when we use Pletica maps to help break down concepts.

What is conceptual thinking? And what is the difference between an idea and a concept?

Conceptual thinking teaches us to break down complex ideas. It allows people to pick out details of a situation and view it in a more general way. Concepts are behind each idea that is proposed. An idea is something that is easier to generate when there is a starting point. The starting point can come from concepts from other people’s ideas.

What are the components of a function analysis and a function map?

              Subject, Action, and Object

Excel 3D Map- In Pletica

4 thoughts on “Lara Newman CM9

  1. I liked your explanation of TRIZ. I used the resources in the presentation, but looking at how you and our other classmates explain things in the concept maps/questions is helpful because it helps me find different ways to explain one concept.
    Great organization of your map!

  2. Laura, great map! I really like how in depth you go in on all of this information. I look forward to seeing your blog!

  3. Lining up the questions was very eye pleasing. The maps for the questions just branch off into the side and then you can continue to flow down the map. Great work.

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