FM8 – Feedback Map 2 – Josefina Howard

FEEDBACK MAP 2 (FM8) by Josefina Howard


  1. Are the how-to videos still providing value? Please explain.
    YES! The How-To-Videos really help! For EM7 Assignment, I skipped the video and went straight to viewing the Plectica Map only; that got me spinning my wheels until I viewed the video. I learned that viewing the video first followed by the Plectica map/presentation helps eliminate doubts and confusion.
  2. Are the documents and videos I am providing valuable? Please explain.
    YES! The video documentations are valuable in explaining concepts that are sometimes difficult to grasp by just reading. The text documentations are also helpful; however, the amount of resources and lengthy documents can be very overwhelming. I hit a mental block for EM7 assignment due to analysis paralysis.
  3. Is the syllabus still valuable?
    YES!  It is a handy reference/checklist for what and when things are due.
  4. Is the textbook starting to become more valuable? Please explain.
    YES! However, I am finding myself spending more time on recommended external tools/resources rather than the textbook.
  5. Was the information about audiobooks and text to speech valuable to you? Please explain.
    YES! Good reminder that I have an option to listen instead of reading. Also, it is handy for “drive-time” university!


  1. Is Plectica becoming easier for you to use? And does it help you learn more? Please explain.
    YES! I love Plectica because it brings out creativity! It also reinforces the concepts as I lift them from my text draft to the boxes. I find that I am understanding and retaining information better!
  2. Same question for Tableau,, and Thinkquiry.
    YES! Tableau, Rationale, and Thinkquiry are great tools to supplement my learning skills! However, I find that I prefer using Plectica more often than the others; maybe because it matches my learning style as a visual and hands-on learner.


  1. What were your thoughts on complexity, emergence, innovation, and organizational learning?

– Complexity: To me, “complexity” invokes complexness, elaborateness, intricacy, and sophistication. Weather systems, ant colonies, human economies, and health care organizations are all complex systems. In the case of Health Care Organizations, there are three characteristics of complex systems: interdependence, non-linearity, and dynamism (Burns, L.R. et. al. 2011, p. 224).

– Emergence: Between order (stability) and chaos (instability) emerge new ideas, products, practices, and relationships. I think of a blended shake drink: different ingredients are added to the mixer/blender (milk, spinach, sugar, cinnamon, peanut butter, etc); when blended, a new flavor emerges.

– Innovation:  Beware of three common myths or misconceptions about innovation: (1) innovation is good; (2) there is a formula, and (3) innovation is linear.

– Organizational Learning: Organizational learning is influenced by organizational leadership, culture, policies, and routines. Five “disciplines” promote organizational learning: (1) systems thinking, (2) personal mastery, (3) mental models, (4) shared vision, and (5) team learning.

  1. What were your thoughts on the Cynefin framework and the OODA Loop?

– OODA LOOP – Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act: As a military spouse, I became accustomed to the OODA Loop way of thinking as my military family lived for seventeen years overseas in high-threat regions of the world. My naval aviator husband taught me and our two sons situational awareness using OODA Loop. I subconsciously use it as I deal with high-stress and unpredictable classroom situations as a Special Education Instructional Assistant.

– CYNEFIN FRAMEWORK: Cynefin offers five decision-making contexts or “domains” – obvious, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder that help managers to identify how they perceive situations and make sense of their own and other people’s behavior. When Dr. Schwandt introduced this concept to our class, I immediately thought of OODA Loop! But I understand that there are similarities and differences. I think OODA Loop is simple and easy to remember. Cynefin seems more appropriate to apply in complex situations. I still intend to write my blog/essay to learn more about Cynefin.

  1. What were your thoughts on the Toulmin Method?

The Toulmin Method gives me the impression that building or deconstructing an argument is simple. Every argument has six parts that can be presented in an easy to understand diagram: claim, grounds, warrant, quantifier, rebuttal, and backing.

  1. What were your thoughts on the Red Team tool — Argument Deconstruction?

My first time to look at the 238-page Red Team Handbook 9.0 overwhelmed me. To deconstruct an argument, there are sixteen (16) steps or questions.

  1. What were your thoughts on Double and Single Loop Learning?

I like that double-loop learning modifies/improves goals or decision-making rules based on the experience/insights gained from first-loop learning.

  1. What were your thoughts on Professor Bunch’s video and the video on Soldier and Scout Mindset?

The video by Professor Bunch clarifies the difference between database and gist. In decision-making, there are times that we only need a few critical pieces of information (gist) to take action. Sometimes, too much information (database) can cause overthinking or analysis-paralysis.

It would be nice to find a balance between the Soldier Mindset and Scout Mindset. When I was younger, I believe my decisions were mostly driven by my pride and sense of invincibility without considering the consequences of my actions. As I got older, lessons from previous actions have helped me develop a Scout Mindset to make well-informed decisions and take situations in full context.

  1. What were your thoughts on the Nominal Group Technique, the Delphi Method, and Context Analysis?

There are advantages and disadvantages in asking feedback/opinions from team/group members; sometimes, the process of collecting and measuring data (Nominal Group Technique and Delphi Method) can speed up or slow down the decision-making process. Context Analysis is very important in every situation to see the bigger picture.


  1. What did you think of CM5?

I like the emphasis on Systems Thinking and how to understand complex systems using DSRP and DMIC concepts.

  1. What did you think of CM6?

I like looking deep into Team formation, elements, dynamics and concepts that create team effectiveness. Mapping CM6 on Plectica was a very long and exhausting process for me but I learned many neat features of Plectica that I did not know were available.

  1. What did you think of EM7? Do you still plan on writing a blog? What were your thoughts on using previous student blogs to deconstruct?

EM7 was quite overwhelming to me because of the many new concepts of critical thinking and argument formation/deconstruction that were introduced in the assignment. I think it is very kind and open-minded of the students to allow us to deconstruct their writings. I am still planning on creating a blog/essay, but I have thoughts of changing my topic from “The Cynefin Framework” to “The Benefits of Being a Military Child Outweigh the Challenges.”

  1. What did you think of the Spiral Method in EM7? What did you think of the discussion on Logical Fallacies?

I think the Spiral Method by Dr. Schwandt is another innovative way to process and analyze information. As in other concepts, it will take familiarity and a lot of practice to utilize it since I am deeply set in my own habits and patterns of thinking and doing things. The Logical Fallacies examples are quite interesting; I saw myself and some people I know in some of them.

  1. What did you think of the Thesis Generator in EM7? What did you think of the BDK Method and the Critical Thinking handouts?

The Thesis Generator is a handy tool to get an essay or paper started. see myself using it more often.  The BDK Method is amusing and the Critical Thinking Handouts  are a handy reference.

  1. What are your thoughts of this assignment (FM8)? Does this idea (Swarming Feedback) make sense?

I am glad that I have another opportunity to provide feedback especially about the previous assignments and resources. The Swarming Feedback Map has gotten too big and cluttered because it still includes our responses to FM4. I think it is best to separate FM8 or maybe each student should create an individual map in response to the new feedback questions.


  1. What are your thoughts with the Facebook group? How can we use it better?

The Facebook group is very timely and helpful. The interaction and tips from experts and students are priceless. It is a good supplement to the WordPress Learning Community.

  1. What are your thoughts with the WordPress Learning Community? How can we use it better?

The WordPress Learning Community has grown on me. It should be promoted more often on the Facebook group.

  1. If you connected with an expert (e.g. Dave Snowden, Rob McClary, Laura Cabrera, etc.) did you enjoy the connection? Was it worthwhile?

I appreciate that Dr. Schwandt has connected me with Dave Snowden. I feel honored that Mr. Snowden had given me an open invitation to communicate about Cynefin Framework. I have not taken the opportunity to connect yet, but I will soon.

Josefina Howard’s Plectica Feedback Map (FM8):

I created a blue region for my Feedback Map 2 (FM8) next to my previous Feedback Map 1 (Fm4).

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