Sam Ottley – CM6

  1. Discuss the typology of teams in health care. Provide an analysis of each element.


Function or Purpose – Teams are used for multiple purposes in health care. Why a team? There are many advantages to using teamwork, assuming they use if effectively it can be very useful.


Decisional Authority – You need to establish a leader within the team, or this can get a bit hazy. Teams work great, but there needs to be an established leader.


Temporal Nature – This is the performance of the team. This can me permanent and on going or even limited. It really focuses on the performance of the assigned task of the team.


Time and Space – This can include team meetings where and when to have it such as the optimal time and seating arrangements.


Diversity – provides both opportunities and challenges for teamwork. The advantages are the opportunity to obtain multiple perspectives.


Accountabilities – Being accountable for this and this is close to delegating tasks.


Membership Fluidity and Boundary Permeability – This is the nature of membership and team boundaries. Whether they are temporary or permanent or if its stable or fluid.


  1. Using the model of team effectiveness, describe each element.


Performance – This shows how the team is doing.

Member satisfaction – This shows how satisfied the members are.

Qualify of Work – this can go with performance, but really digs deeper into the work.

Capacity for Sustainability – How long can they keep this up and can they sustain the work needed to be done.


  1. What is context? What is environmental context and describe it in health care?


Context is the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. Environmental context is the physical space and time, like the laws that are currently in place for healthcare facilities.


  1. What is a context analysis?  Using the context analysis model, provide an example in health care.


Context analysis is the method to analyze the environment in which a business operates. This involved internal and external factors. One example would be of the competition between health systems in one area or state. Another would be a hospitals clientele, their preferences and their perceptions of the hospital.


  1. What is the Nominal Group Technique? What is the Delphi Technique? Provide examples of both.


Nominal Group Technique is a model of team decision making in which members pool their individual judgements in a guided systematic manner. This technique encourages member participation. An example of this could be an anonymous box system where they all put in their own thoughts.


Delphi Technique – An approach to decision making in which a panel of experts is asked for their views on an issue followed up by controlled feedback and repeated until consensus is reached. This technique encourages member participation. An example of this is like the Iowa caucusing during the presidential elections, in a way or using a questionnaire.


  1. What are the stages of team development?


Leadership- legitimate authority given to a team member in formal leadership or informal as well.


Communication – Leaders communication well and efficiently in order to get the right message across.


Decision Making- Using the team consensus can be easy to make decisions as a team. There could be multiple, and the team leader would then need to make the right decision for the team from that.


Learning – A teams ability to learn is essential to its ongoing effectiveness.


  1. Answer the questions on p. 154 (Questions 1-3)
  2. Turnover can put a damper on things when it comes to their moral, when it comes to performance that could also suffer. But they need to be kept in good moral ground and let them know that they can succeed with this and step up to the plate to continue working.
  3. I think it could help to have them in it, but it is extremely close to home. Losing a child can bring all sorts of negative feelings but that can be used as motivation to make a difference as well.
  4. The goal to have the live birth deaths down from 110 in 1000 to 20 in 1000 is quite a large jump. It will take so much time to realize what works best and to realize best practices in order to shoos that number down. Sustaining change like that takes consistency and the right people to get the job done.


  1. What is the gist and database? How can you apply it?


A gist is just a small part of something that can get the point across. The database is all of the data at its disposal. Like putting something together that requires instructions, the instructions are the database and the gist is that task itself.



  1. What did you learn from watching The Strategic Leader in a VUCA World?

I learned to always try to explain myself to the best of my abilities, and not to ramble. That is one of my problems is rambling about an issue to someone and they could not have any idea what I am saying most of the time since I didn’t explain well enough.



  1. What is the difference between a Soldier and Scout Mindset?


A scout mindset is basically when you are just trying to understand things scouting things out and wants to know what is really there. Solider mindset is your actions using things to defeat the enemy.


  1. What did you learn from watching and reading Why you think you’re right, even when you’re wrong?


Motivated reasoning can be bad for us if we remain unconscious about it. We need to realize everything that is there just like the scout mindset. Set our motivated reasoning and prejudices behind and make the best decision. Be curious, be open and be grounded.



2 thoughts on “Sam Ottley – CM6

  1. Sam,
    Good job! I like how you talked about motivated reasoning as a possible issue in Question 11. I tend to think that I have a soldier’s mindset, and I get very riled up about issues, even in a calm discussion. My self worth is sometimes tied to my ability to be right, and watching this made me realize that I have to be more conscious of how I am acting and REacting to what people are saying to me!

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