Discuss the typology of teams in health care. Provide an analysis of each element.

Function or Purpose

We must first see whether or not a team is actually needed.  Once the team has been established they must have an objective or task.  This is were there purporse comes, work team, project team, support team, management team.  This team will also have its own amount of decisional authority.

Decisonal Authority

This can sometimes bring confusion into teams, and that is caused by the teams view or understanding of their own decision-making authority with in a company.  Some teams hold all the last say in decisions, and others are support teams that only gather information to help the decision-making team come to the best conclusion.

Temporal Nature

Temoral Nature is the stability or permanence of a team.  Whether they are established specifically till a season ends or quarter is met is considered a time-limited team.  These limiting teams need to work and process information that the company has set forth for them to do.

Time and Space

Most teams were held together with meetings at a certain place at a certain time.  Now with the rise of virtual connections team members can be in different time zones and still effectively communicate with other members of the team.  These meetings can sometimes last hours or even days depending on the situation and topics covered in said meetings.


Diversity is multidimensional, and this  considers age, gender, heirarchical level, consumer and professional, as well as cultural.


This is similiar to delegating tasks, and an example of this is a manager gives a team lead a task or job to finish.  The team lead then passes this on to people inside the team to finish the task.  So this means we have external accountability from  the manager to the team lead, and internal accountabilities from the team lead to the whole team.

Membership Fluidity and Boundary Permeability

The fluidity of the group may allow for more ideas to continuously be presented and add performance value to the group.  This can also have problems with continued orienting of new members to the group and take up valuable time.

Using the model of team effectiveness, describe each element.


In regards to why the team was formed there needs to be a way to gauge how well the team is doing for the intended purpose that it was made.

Member Satisfaction

All the members feel like the task or position they do with in the team is contributing to the end goal and using strong skill sets.  The work they do makes a difference to them and the team as a whole.

Quality of Work

The work was done in a timely manner,  with effective communication and detail with in each step.

Capacity for Sustainability

Sustainability of the team considers how much work load the team carries and how much is getting done.  If the process of getting tasks done is slow then they are probably not sustainable.

What is context? What is environmental context and describe it in health care?

Context is the setting or place in which an event or circumstances take place and can be fully understood.  Example: A patient needs signature from doctor saying he can go back to work, “which is standing for 12-14 hours a shift, while also riding regional jets for 4 hours.”  Without knowing this the doctor will sign off, when he shouldn’t have knowing that this patients work would flare up his total  knee replacement.

Environmental Context

Teams work inside of a larger group or organization that can  make decisions that significantly affect that team or organization.
An example of this would be how our billing office openned a new branch for insurance authorizations, and strickly deal with finding out what patients will be liable for payment wise.  This does help speed up processes to treat more  patients, but one problematic feature that came with this is I know have to refer the patient to the billing office, which in turn may not get to them right away.  The other option is that I now have to play phone tag to go from the billing office to the patient and update everyone on issues.  This can take up valuable time, and added stress to the clinic and patients.

What is a context analysis? Using the context analysis model, provide an example in health care.

Context analysis consists of external and internal environmental factors.  By using context analysis a team can see how to implement ideas into action and solve problems that other wise might go unseen.  Four dominate features within context analysis are enabling evironment, actors/Inputs, interactions, outputs/outcomes.

Enabling evironment deals with politics, legal, religious, gender, market, and business.  The doctors that work in the same area as the Physical Therapist refers total knee replacement patient to us verse the clinic across the  street.

Actors/Inputs could be users, consumers, bodies, or institutes at play, and also technologies.  You can look at this as people that have functional authority in the sector at play.  For instance depending on the situation I can get in contact with a lead head for my company, (owner), or if it deals with insurance I can call our representative with in said insurance group to help resolve the matter.

Interactions of academia, private sector, government have interaction and we use these to show how, what, when, where, and why.  Such as interactions between manufacturers and health service providers.

Outputs/outcomes come a round to focus on health, wealth, wellbeing.  Looking at supplementation of nutrition into a market we could quantify who needs it and how it is helping after use.

Example of context analysis would be developing a gym/rec building specifially for transitional patients.  We could see how many patients would want that and possibly make a few test runs  out of the networks developed with in the physical therapy company.

What is the Nominal Group Technique? What is the Delphi Technique? Provide examples of both.

Nominal Group Technique uses all members of the team to give their best ideas, and based upon the whole teams rankings they can make the best decision.

Example would be choosing a formula for a supplement line, and testing each formula.  Each team member would rank their favorite for that category and based on the results the majority would become the product formula.

Delphi Technique is used like a questionnaire for participants to fill out using a ranking system.  There may be an option to add a comment at the end of a section or the end of the questionnaire.  Once the concerns are processed another questionnaire is sent out with the new comments or concerns and then data is compiled.  With each collection the focus shrinks smaller with more precise detail.

We use questionnaires like these at work and they can be helpful to the therapist, and doctor, but narrowing the detail is not always right for these.  The forms are to cover many aspects of a lower extremity problem, upper extremity problem, neck focused, back focused, and they can not be adjusted to drastically or we loose the scale of how well a patient is doing.  Many times they are perfectly fine and only the rare cases where they do not help are where we see a problem with them.

What are the stages of team development?

Leadership – This comes from an individual to influence others.  These can be formal or informal forms of leadership.   Formal leadership can have rewards, but it is sometimes the informal leader that can move the team swiftly.  In my experience the informal leader has more emotional/personal ties to the team.
Communications – Leaders know how to communcate effectively in the team, as well as outside/externally from the team.  Task coordinators, scout activities are great examples.
Decision Making – Concensus and compremise are used with in the team setting so that most of the decisions can be made as a team  or whole.  There well be moments when the leader must make that decision for the team on which way the project or task should go.
Learning – The team must be able to process information and apply it with in that setting.  Once they have done so they must obsorb as much information as they can to help improve upon it.  Learning allows for the flow of the team to improve performance.

Answer the questions on p. 154 (Questions 1-3)

Q1 When we have a turnover rate that is so high it becomes hard to build that trust with in the team.  Many problems will take longer to solve since so many people are coming in and out and it is hard to establish a flow of process.  Providing a mentorship trends, and collaborative team meetings could help keep the flow of  the team moving with addes insite of new minds, ideas, and perspectives.

Q2 When looking at health care I believe having the consumer involved is a valuable asset.  They have the ability to show the health care professions what perspectives are shown from consumers/patient point of view.  The team leads can educate the consumer of their offerings and allow for  listening protocol that would give the consumer a voice in regards to problems.

Q3 We will first need to keep access to health care open for all.  The decline of these changes might come from the sharing or teaching of experiences with other teams and trying to distribute this to a global health goal.  The leaders will need to effectively pass on the skills and knowledge to other generations that know how to funciton with in a team and fullfill the teams task.

What is the gist and database? How can you apply it?

Database is everything with all the data at its disposal.  The gist is the summary or one liner that can stick with people and get the point across.

An example would be cooking ribs.  I tell my father to cook us some ribs, and that is the gist.  The database would be my father looking through his recipes to find the correct instrucitons on either grilling, baking, or smoking the ribs.

What did you learn from watching The Strategic Leader in a VUCA World?

I kept picturing myself in some moments at work where I try to educate or teach someone on importance of certain nutrition and I am so consumed and enticed by the information I am giving that I don’t realise they do not understand at all.  They do not have the database to grasp all the information I am saying.  At that moment I see that I have said a whole lot of stuff that has no meaning to the audience I am speeking too.

What is the difference between a Soldier and Scout Mindset?

The soldier I like to makes decisions in the heat of battle and anything unfocused from their desired outcome becomes the enemy.  At this point they drastically take action to make it so their side will win.

The scout idly awaits and assesses the situation whether it falls in favor of their choice or not.

What did you learn from watching and reading Why you think you’re right, even when you’re wrong?

There is no doubt that everyone has both, the soldier as well as the scout with in.  It depends entirely upon who can focus enough to keep the scout out versus settling for the soldier.  I am guitly  of keeping the soldier out for far to long, but I can say I believe as I grow in life, education, personal goals, I have found my scout to be quite helpful and much easier to control now.  There will always be ideas or situations where we want it to win or lose and it is in these times that I have now found myself asking why I feel that way.  The realization of knowing I have a pre set bias has opened things up.  In any case decisions must be made, and whether you make them or not a decision has always been made by you.

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