Anthony CM2

What is health care administration?

Healthcare Administration is the field relating to leadership, management, and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals, and hospital networks in all the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors

What is a systems view of the U.S. Health Care Industry?

A systems approach improves health by considering the multiple elements involved in caring for patients and the multiple factors influencing health. By understanding how these elements operate independently, as well as how they depend on one another, a systems approach can help with the design and integration of people, processes, policies, and organizations to promote better health at lower cost. These approaches can be useful for all levels of the health system—patient-clinician interaction, health care unit, organization, community, and nation— with different tools available for the needs at different levels and across levels. The Healthcare Systems view in our book shows that the many sectors have different goals and different interests.

What distinctions are you seeing in the systems view?

  • Consumer/Patients
  • Hospitals/Physicians
  • Suppliers
  • Buyers
  • Regulators
  • and Public Health Agencies

What distinctions are you not seeing?

What I do not see more of is physicians being held to a high standard of service to the member. I have had a few situations where the physician has a sense of superiority. They won’t listen and that is not much the patient can do other than not return. Which just leaves that physician to continue what they are currently doing and not chastised for lack of service.

How would you distinguish between regulators and public health agencies?

The regulators are various agencies and figures that are found at the local state and federal side. They put their attention on regulating health within hospitals and physicians, whereas public health agencies emphasis more on the science of defending and refining health within people and their diverse societies.

Can you compare and contrast suppliers and buyers?

Buyers reimburse the health care service for services already given.  Suppliers are companies or people selling products to the health care provider that the buyer receives from them. Buyers and suppliers are dependent on one another. The entities they serve, such as hospitals relay on both the buyer and suppliers to get them the things they need to function.

What is organizational design?

Organization design involves the creation of roles, processes and structures to ensure that the organization’s goals can be realized. It is the process of designing, defining or adapting the organizational structure. It takes into account responsibility, authority, the “who”, and the “how” in the process.

Explain and describe how empowerment involves directed autonomy.

Empowerment is the progression of permitting or allowing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision-making about their job in self-governing, independent, self-directed ways. It is the state of feeling self-empowered to take control of your fate. Empowerment comes from the individual facilitating themselves to take action and regulator work and decision making in autonomous ways

5 thoughts on “Anthony CM2

  1. Hi Anthony,

    Just a friendly reminder. I noticed that you only posted your Plectica map. We are supposed to turn the map into a Waypoint presentation and post the link of presentation instead of the map. You still have time to fix it 🙂

    Best Regards and Happy Labor Day,

  2. Since the regulators purpose is to ensure quality and safety in health care, one would believe that it is the job of the regulators to ensure that physicians are held to a certain standard of care (including customer service standards) and those that fail to meet it would have some type of consequence for repeatedly exhibiting bad behavior. Unfortunately, I guess it doesn’t extend to horrible bed-side manner but it certainly should. I am sorry that you have had a healthcare provider treat you in that manner, no one deserves to be felt like they are less than someone else.

  3. Great post and map! I really enjoyed the section on empowerment as well. I think that my empowerment section was written a bit differently but got the same point across.

  4. Anthony,
    I agree with you on the idea that sometimes physicians are not the greatest listeners. However, the reading did open up the perspective that empowerment can influence the autonomy that physicians may exercise. Their morale and their satisfaction with their workplace and higher up can unfortunately display itself when treating patients, which I wholeheartedly believe would not be fair in any way if someone is not value or treated well as a patient.

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