Research Poster (Module 5) -Andrew Heimann

I hope you all find my research poster of preoperative nursing retention to be informative. Through the course of this summer semester, many of you have stated that you once worked in a preoperative setting. Does any of the information I provided resonate with you? Is there anything you have to add that would improve my display. I would be very appreciative of any information you choose to provide. Thanks!

Research Poster

3 Responses

  1. ardavis8 at |

    Andrew, This is a wonderful poster with a lot of great information on it! The coloring used is easy on the eyes, which makes it easy to read. Nicely done!

  2. ajrountree at |

    I really enjoyed your poster on perioperative nursing retention. I think your information and layout was very easy to follow and appealing. I did work as a perioperative nurse before I left my previous job. I really enjoyed being in the OR, I had been on the floor before going to the OR and getting to see patients from preop to post-op was great for a new nurse. It did get very fast paced at times and our main surgery days for our small hospital were jam-packed with patients. We also took call even on the days we worked which added more stress to the normal 12 hour day. I think a retention program would be great in that it would help you with learning the information needed to be in the OR, which as I’m sure you know is a lot. It would also help nurses new to this field learn how to handle seasoned nurses and not get eaten which would also be amazing. OR is definitely a different world. Great topic!

  3. Alyssa at |

    I enjoyed your research topic and the information you provided! I think the idea of a retention program not only in OR but in general is a great idea. So many units you see “nurses eating their young” and it is absolutely discouraging. It would be great to see this implemented and I believe it could also boost moral! Nice work!

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