4 Responses

  1. jemuilenburg at |

    You did a wonderful job! We have been testing our code blue system and that means the alarm have been going off nonstop almost. What is worse is they announce that they are testing so I have almost tuned out the voice that says they are testing in addition to tuning out the code alarms. Alarm fatigue is real and I am so tired!

  2. jlgaines at |

    While it has been several years since I worked in a hospital setting, alarm fatigue in the nursing home is a very real issue as well. Call lights sound continuously and with limited staff they go on forever. Some nights I would hear call lights in my dreams. One alarm that most places have stopped using is the chair alarms. This would sound when when the resident was getting up without assistance. The sound for this alarm was recognized by all staff and they would come out of everywhere if the alarm was sounding longer than it should.

    Great information!

  3. Alyssa at |

    Your poster provided great information. I enjoyed the color scheme, as it was appealing to the eye! Burnout is so real it is uncanny. I work in the ER and it is clearly obvious that the constant high stress and lack of downtime is a major cause of burnout. I think nurses lack proper coping strategies and go on autopilot to cope with stress at work.
    Great job on your poster and topic!

  4. cmsare at |

    Your poster looks great. The colors were easy to read and easy on the eyes yet attractive to look at. Nurse burnout is such an important topic and taking care of yourself in your time off is so incredibly important for all nurses, especially ED nurses. You really have to be able to “disconnect” when you are not at work. Great Job!!

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