4 Responses

  1. Karen at |

    Nice poster Amber. I am so thankful for caring nurses like you that are called to work in long term care facilities. From your poster it looks like additional research is needed to provide data for planning effective antibiotic stewardship programs.

  2. jlgaines at |

    Great information! More people need to understand that not everything needs medication. Working in a clinic, I am surprised at the number of people that call and say that they got up this morning and had vomiting and diarrhea and need an appointment. They have been sick less than 30 minutes before they call for an appointment. Sometimes this just needs to run it’s course without expecting a medication to make it all better. As you pointed out, and infection in the elderly can affect their overall health so much quicker than in a young healthy person. I agree that it is harder to think about antibiotic stewardship in this population. It is a very fine line at times whether the illness or the antibiotic is the bigger problem.

  3. lrbollig at |

    This is a very great subject to research. You have a great poster. Very informative. I feel this is going to be a major problem in the future. With all the antibiotics that we now pump people full of for possible sepsis, I feel is going to become a problem with people becoming resistant to everyday infections. We have a patient that gets a UTI and we have a very hard time getting him better because of all the antibiotics that have been used on him in the past years. It a scary thing.

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