5 Responses

  1. afheimann at |

    Laura, your poster was not only informative, but also visually appealing. Pediatric fasting time is a difficult concept for many parents and care givers to grasp. In a conversation with our chief anesthesiologist at my facility, the American Board of Anesthesiology has recently revised its standards on fasting times, liquid consumption and pediatric considerations. It was great to be presented with some of the information the drove for this change.

  2. ardavis8 at |

    This is a great topic! It is so hard to keep a child entertained when they are hungry and waiting for a procedure to be done! If they were able to cut down the amount of time they had to fast it would be so much easier for all involved….including easier to be able to get an IV started. The poster has wonderful diagrams and information, well done!

  3. aglakin at |

    Excellent poster! It was very informative, easy to follow, and visually appealing. Fasting times for pediatrics is definitely something that is often overlooked unless you are the parent with a 6 month old in the middle of the night who is hungry. Hopefully as more research is completed it will allow for new guidelines that will allow for flexible fasting times for pediatrics. Have you discussed this with a CRNA or Anesthesiologist by chance? I talked with a friend of mine who is a CRNA, he said he allows for more flexible times for pediatrics depending on the ages, often lowering the fasting time down to 2-3 hours.

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