Potential Employers

Electronic Arts Inc

Link: https://www.ea.com/careers

Address: 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065

Phone # 760-846-3268

No contact person, send a resume online, and they will review it and get back to you.


Electronic Arts Inc is also known as EA Games; it is a global company that designs games for all platforms. “EA develops and delivers games, content and online services for internet-connected consoles, mobile devices, and personal computers.” (Electronic Arts, 2021) They all have the same goal as every other company. Make money, keep employees and customers happy. They have all the usual benefits that most employers offer. However, they also offer free games to all their employees, which I would love. Like most companies today, they are offering several positions that are remote careers. The game that I know them for is The Sims on PC. As a young adult, I bought the first one, and I am looking forward to The Sims 5 coming available on my Switch.

My interest in the company based on research is the gaming aspect. I want to help create and design a game that can be used on any smartphone. EA has a one-on-one mentor program and assistants for college graduates, making them stand out. After I graduate, I will see if they have any jobs that I might get enjoy.


  • I want to work remotely; if that is not an option, will there be assistance in moving and locating a place to stay until I get settled?
  • If allowed to work remotely, will EA provide the equipment I will need to succeed or a spending allowance to buy what I need?
  • Does EA participate in any volunteer work for nonprofit organizations? If so, will there also be company-paid time off for voluntary work during regular business hours?
  • If I need additional assistance, is there someone I can speak to other than my mentor? Can I change mentors if we do not get along?


Works Cited

Electronic Arts. (2021). About EA. Retrieved from Electronic Arts: https://www.ea.com/about




Ford Motor Company

Link: https://corporate.ford.com/careers.html

Address: 1 American Road, Dearborn, MI 48126-2701

Phone # 800-392-3673

No direct contact person. Just submit your information, including your resume, online, and someone will contact you.


Ford Motor Company is in the automobile industry. They are a global company with offices and plants all over the whole. They have the same goals as every company to make money and make customers happy. They try to develop the latest technology inside vehicles that they believe consumers want and some they don’t want. They have the same benefits as most significant corporations.


My interest in this employer based on research is the many job opportunities available for software engineers and mobility engineers. I was surprised since I currently work for a sister company and was told that Ford Motor wants 1000 people to voluntarily leave the company at the end of October. If I wanted to stay after my 30th anniversary and get my degree, I would like to see if I could qualify for something in mobility.



  • If I obtained my bachelor’s degree, would I apply while still employed with Ford Credit?
  • Would not years of service and all my other long-term benefits, such as six weeks of vacation, carryover, or would I have to start all over?
  • Would I get a substantial pay increase for the new position?
  • Could I work remotely, or would I be required to move to Dearborn?



  • I did not quote any sources since I am a current employee. I wanted to add this because this is something that I may do after I graduate. I have been there for 25 years. I am allowed to retire after 30 years of service with full benefits no matter my age.




No Boundaries Trucking Group

Link: https://www.noboundariestrucking.com/

Address: 1936 Bridgestone Circle, Conyers, GA 30012

Phone # 903-374-8377

Contact: Jere Page, recruiter

Email: jere.page@noboundariestrucking.com


No Boundaries Trucking Group is a contractor for FedEx out of Tennessee, Georgia, and North Caroline. They have need truck drivers with a CDL class C license and with a double’s endorsement. They offer sole runs that allow you to go home most nights and team runs where you are on the road the whole week and only home one to two days a week. Their mission statement states, “We pride ourselves in having a strong bond with all of our employees and ensuring that our drivers feel like this is not just a job, but their home.” (Pete, 2021)

After research, my interest in this company is possible after I retire and if I do not get my bachelor’s degree. My father, brother, and boyfriend have been or still are truck drivers. It is just a job. You are expected to drive and get from point a to point b without incident. They make decent money, and with my pension from Ford, I should be comfortable. I would not need to worry about benefits as I would get those from Ford, and if I want to take some time off without pay now and then, no problem, I will still get my pension.


  • Do you allow cats and dogs in your tractors?
  • Can I drive the tractor to my home?
  • If I cannot drive the tractor to my home, will there be security available for my personal vehicle while driving the tractor for the week?
  • Will a refrigerator and microwave be provided, or do I need to bring my own?
  • Will a toolbox be provided for mishaps on the road, or will I need to bring my own?
  • Are we allowed to have a family or friend ride with me now and then?


Works Cited

Pete, J. (2021). About Us. Retrieved from No Boundaries Trucking Group: https://www.noboundariestrucking.com/about-us





Link: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/

Address: 1001 Church St, Nashville, TN 37201

I could not find a phone number or a contact name. Everything is done online, including uploading your resume. Then someone will contact you if they are interested.


Amazon is a global company that sells about everything that you could dream up. They have the same benefits as everyone else and if offer internships for college students. They have all kinds of jobs available, from warehouse packing orders, delivery drivers, and customer service representatives. For those that I more interested in tech support, there are many opens there as well. Including designing pages for new products and helping third-party sellers set up their pages.

My interest in this company after further research is that if I was ever released from my current job before I retire, I might be able to work as a customer service representative from home. I am now more interested in working from and staying healthy than expose myself to possible covid.


  • If I am offered a position to work remotely, will the equipment I need be provided?
  • Do I get to select my hours? Will I have to work weekends and holidays?
  • If I deliver packages, do I have to pay for my uniforms?
  • If I deliver packages, will my personal vehicle be in a secured parking lot?
  • Will overnight driving be required?
  • What kind of license is required to drive?




  • I tried to stay away from mission statements. I think they are untrue anyway. I have been with Ford for over 25 years, and I know that they care more about the bottom line than their employees. The benefits that we get are standard across any business.

Doctor Visit Your Home

Heal was created in 2014 by founders Nick Desai (CEO), Dr. Renee Dua; their original business model was to have a way for doctors to make house calls. Considering the covid-19 pandemic, they have adjusted the business model to include telemedicine, which many doctors and health insurance companies have started using since the pandemic.

Even my primary care physician now has telemedicine, which, when I got sick at the end of July that was my first appointment, a telemedicine call. She determined that I need to go into the office under the suspicion that I had covid-19. I had to drive 45 mins to her office. Go to the back of the building and call and let someone know I was there. Then I had to wait in my car for someone to get me and take me through the back door and into a room next to the door. Everyone I saw was covered head to toe because they said I had covid even though I tested negative twice. However, because I live with someone who tested positive, I was considered positive. For me, that whole process seemed very extreme. I know it was best because of the concerns of covid.

Now, here is where Heal is different than all the others. If Heal was available in my area and my insurance accepted them, then after the telemedicine call, if a doctor needed to see me, they would make an appointment to come to see me in my home. I could have stayed in bed, and I would not have felt like Typhoid Mary. I think that more people will start using the benefits of a doctor who makes house calls. Such as the elderly and others that are homebound and unable to leave their homes. Single parents who have a sick child do not want to get all the children up and out to a doctor’s office. How about that stubborn person who is sick in bed but refuses to go to the doctor? Well, with Heal, the doctor can go to them instead. The Doctors with Heal also get a better picture of you, and they can see what kinds of foods you are eating by checking out your pantry or kitchen. They can see what medicines you have been taking by checking out the medicine cabinet. This is much simpler than keeping up with a food and medicine diary for your office doctor.

I learned about this in one of my classes last year. I would say that I was at the implementation stage because I have used telemedicine and enjoyed the experience. Plus, I could see the benefits of this even though I was asked to come into the office. I think it would be even more beneficial if a doctor could come to my home. Currently, this is unavailable in my area, so it may be a while before getting to the confirmation stage.

I would be in the early adopter category if available in my area and accepted by my insurance. The reason I would be in this category is that I like staying home. I work, go to school and shop from home. I only go to the store to get fresh food. When I feel sick, I would not want to leave the house.

Another example of innovation that I would have been in a different category is cell phones. I would have put myself into the late majority or even laggards. Many of my friends had cell phones, while I still had a landline and a voice recorder. I think my oldest daughter was about two years old before I jumped on the cell phone wagon, and then it was a basic flip phone that I had to pay for minutes.


Here is a video I created:


I hope someday that Heal is available in my area.



CNBC.com staff. (2020, June 16). CNBC Disruptor 50 13. Heal. Retrieved from CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/heal-disruptor-50.html

How Heal works. (2020, n/a n/a). Retrieved from Heal: https://heal.com/how-it-works/


I also used various images from google images for the video.

Mobile Gaming What is Our Future

My name is Tiffany Warren; I live in Tennessee. I am a non-traditional student, and my major is Information Networking and Telecommunications with an emphasis in Web Development and Mobile Application and considering Cybersecurity.

I enjoy playing games, and currently, one of my favorites is Pokemon Go.  This is more of an interactive game, and I would like to research to see if it helps get more people active.  I would like to create a mobile game at some point in the future. I would like it to be interactive and fun in the hopes of getting people moving. I am looking forward to learning more in this class.

My suggestion for a group name is: The RM Group

Unit D Concept Map – Tiffany Warren


I chose to do my plectica map on Guy Kawasaki’s video called The Art of the Start 2.0. Guy breaks down the steps that he believe is needed to be a successful startup company. Guy also references things that other successful did when they were a startup company, which helped me put this in perspective. I thought the concept of a MVVVP better than the MVP. I could make something viable but not valuable nor validating. Therefore, it would not be a good product to produce and try to get people interested in. I also, enjoyed the concept of making a Mantra instead of a mission statement. A mission can be long and boring but a Mantra is short and catchy.  In my map, I have listed the ten steps he suggests as a successful startup method.  Guy Kawasaki has written several books and has been a guest speaker many times. You can find these videos on Youtube.

Entrepreneur Profile – Tiffany Warren

Plectica Map: https://www.plectica.com/maps/FL66L94DN

I am choosing to do my blog on Red Piston because they in business in doing mobile applications which is something that I am interested in and the reason I went back to college in preparation of retiring from my current corporation in another six years. I would hope to find a company like Red Piston to work for. Maybe, Red Piston will hire me and let me work remotely since I do not want to move to Canada.

To give a little insight into Red Piston as a start up company in 2010. The three co-founders that found themselves jobless with the closing of the company that they all worked for. The co-founders are Andy Kale, Ali Al-Aasm, and Jakub Koter “all worked at BBDO Windsor, working on Interactive projects for Chrysler Jeep and Dodge Canada.” (Wilson, 2010) After the company closed their doors the three co-founders decided to collaborate and become partners in forming Red Piston.

Red Piston specializing in building innovative iPhone applications. Red Piston skills not only lie in clean interface design for iPhone, however, range the full gamut of multimedia design. Red Piston creates apps in the medical and gaming categories. The apps that are still currently active on iTunes are Dave and Chuck’s Arcade, Leggett and Platt Automotive, Sweet Tweets Designer, Cutepolish, Polish Blast by cutepolish, Social Snap – Watermark and Brand Photos, Humble and Fred Radio, and The Drive Magazines.

Prior to Red Piston all three co-founders developed and released apps on the side. Their focus is on clean, simple, easy-to-use interfaces. Their passion is to make apps and products that make complicated tasks easy. Companies that share a similar philosophy are Braun, Ikea, Apple.

Co-founder Andy Kale was 36 years old when he helped to start up this company. His prediction for the future of your business is that we will continue to evolve and stay at the forefront of the next-generation technologies, building great products and providing significant job growth to help diversify the local economy. The toughest part about being an entrepreneur is the long hours and trying to balance family and work. The best thing about being an entrepreneur is turning an idea into reality. This applies not only to what we do daily – take our clients’ or our own ideas and make them into functioning apps and web sites, but also helping the business grow. Three tips or advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is find something you love and dive in; surround yourself with great people; hire attitude – train skill (of course hiring skilled people with great attitudes is ideal!) Best career success is having the opportunity to work with major brands. (Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, 2012)

Co-founder Ali Al-Aasm was 30 years old when he helped to start up this company. His prediction for the future of your business was we will continue to evolve and stay at the forefront of the next-generation technologies, building great products and providing significant job growth to help diversify the local economy. The toughest part about being an entrepreneur is finding the balance between doing what you must do to be successful and also spending time with people you enjoy like friends and family. The best thing about being an entrepreneur is being in control of your own destiny. When you are an entrepreneur you are in the driver’s seat, the amount of effort that you put in usually equates to the amount of reward coming out of your venture; it’s exciting and scary at times but if you fail you have no one to blame but yourself. Three tips or advise for aspiring entrepreneurs is to work hard and smart; look for people to offset your

weaknesses and fill gaps in your business; meet people and do not be afraid to team up with others. Best career success is getting to realize my dreams and work on cool things like games. (Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, 2012)

Co-founder Jakub Koter was 27 years old when he helped to start up this company. His prediction for the future of your business is that we will always be on the cutting edge, we love new technologies and using these technologies to help other businesses, to entertain and create awesome products. The toughest part about being an entrepreneur is the late hours, working late, not enough hours in a day and finding the right balance of working hard and living life. The best thing about being an entrepreneur is the best reward for me, is when people use our product and love it. It could be a game that puts a smile on someone’s face when they are bored or a B2B solution that enhances the productivity of a certain process. Three tips or advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is do what you love and do it better than anyone else. Make sure you spend less than what you make. Network. Best career success is creating the app called Mind Wave, which was featured all over the world. (Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre, 2012)

To me it seems most entrepreneurs that we have studied in class are very similar that they have done start ups while in college or just after college or for these three men they had careers with another business before even deciding to do a startup. It was when they all lost their jobs did the decide to do this. As with all start ups it takes a lot of guts to start a business, especially without accruing a lot of cost when you are at first not making any. As I am an older student, I do not ever see myself starting up a new business. I want to be hired and paid, I like the idea of creating but need my weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly paychecks to depend on. I do not want to wonder where my next meal will be coming from and I do not want to live on ramen soup three times a day. Plus, I am not comfortable with talking to group so I would be awful at trying to get an investor to buy into my idea. I appreciate the concepts that have been taught in this class but it is not something I will pursue in the future.


Works Cited

Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre. (2012, April 5). Local Entrepreneur Profile: Red Piston. Retrieved from We Tech Alliance: https://www.wetech-alliance.com/2012/04/05/local-entrepreneur-profile-red-piston/

n/a. (n/a). We are Red Piston. Retrieved from Red Piston: https://www.redpiston.com/

Wilson, B. (2010, April 12). Red Piston Interview. Retrieved from Inspiredology: https://inspiredology.com/red-piston-interview/

Unit C Concept Map – Tiffany Warren

My concept map is located at https://www.plectica.com/maps/UDWCZHB30

I found the discussions regard angel investors very interesting. Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit, became an angel investor after making his first million. He wanted to help other entrepreneurs become successful. If I had millions of dollars, I would like to also become an angel investor. I like learning about new technology and gadgets however, I am not an innovator but would like to contribute in other ways. Angel investing would be a way if I had the funds, also testing the idea or product. I do not think I would be good at giving a 30 second pitch on the spot in front of someone. I would stumble over my words and may even trip over my own two feet from embarrassment and run away. The type of angel investing opportunity that I would be more likely interested in as an investor, would be in a new tech gadget that would help simplify my life or save me money as a consumer such as solar as a service. That has potential to save everyone a lot of money in the long run and improve our lives.


Unit B Concept Map – Tiffany Warren

Concept Map: https://www.plectica.com/maps/546IYER0I

As a customer service representative for a large corporation for 24 years I found this unit very interesting. I know that I deliver happiness but that is not what my corporation wants they want me to handle each call in less then two minutes and in the process that used to me mine, that is not possible. My company decided that America is not enough we are now a global company and a lot of our processes have been given to the India office and I had to train them to do my job. It is sad to see my process go and to watch India make matters worse. So, now all I do is make and take phone calls all day. There is no team building any more because of Covid, we are mostly working from home except in a few areas where it is impossible. Pre-covid we were allowed to have a team lunch once a quarter for an hour and half if we were current on our process. Our vision is to be one team globally, but we are not. If I lived near Zappos, I may apply for job!

Please see map for more insights and see the video that meant the most to me.

Unit A Concept Map

I did my unit A concept map on the video with Alexis Ohanian: Tools of Entrepreneurs: Making Something that People will Love. When I watched this video it was like he was speaking directly to me. I have an idea which I started working on a couple of years ago that I have not touched in a long time. I came up with this idea in my quest to find something that would help our Girl Scout troop.  I shared my idea with my troop leader and showed her what I have so far. She loved it and wanted to start using it right way. I told her it has no security right now and not published. When watching Alexis’ video, it gave me some more ideas that I could add to my site. Of course, I will need to learn some more coding in order to make it happen but I also learned reading his book that Steve learned a lot of his coding online for free so between semesters I plan to look in to this and see if I can launch my site sooner rather than later. Since, my target group is Girl Scout Troops, I am hoping that this idea spreads.  I have also included my take in the map.

My resources are the video and the book that I mentioned in the map. Images came from google images.

Here is a link to my map to copy and paste:  https://www.plectica.com/maps/ZBGQ8GOBF

Heal – Disruptor number 13 for 2020

Heal was created in 2014 by founders Nick Desai (CEO), Dr. Renee Dua, their original business model was to have a way for doctors to make house calls. In light of the covid-19 pandemic, they have adjusted the business model to include telemedicine.  Which a lot doctors and health insurance companies have starting using since the pandemic. Even my own primary care physician now has telemedicine, which when I got sick at the end of July that was my first appointment, a telemedicine call. She determined that I need to go into the office under the suspicion that I had covid-19. I had to drive 45 mins to her office. Go to the back of the building and call and let someone know I was there. Then I had to wait in my car for someone to come get me and take me through the back door and into a room next to the door. Everyone I saw was covered head to toe, because they said I had covid even though I tested negative twice. However, because I live with someone who tested positive, I was considered positive. For me that whole process seemed very extreme. I know it was best because of the concerns of covid. Now,  here is where Heal is different than all the others. If Heal was available in my area and my insurance accepted them then after the telemedicine call, If a doctor needed to see me, they would make an appointment to come see me in my home. I could have stayed in bed and I would not have felt like typhoid mary. I feel that more people will start using the benefits that come with a doctor that makes house calls. Such as, the elderly and others that are homebound and unable to leave their homes. Single parents that have one sick and don’t want to get all the children up and out to a doctor office. How about that stubborn person who is sick in bed but refuses to go to the doctor, well with Heal the doctor can go to them instead. The Doctors with Heal also get a better picture of you, they can see what kinds of foods you are eating by checking out your pantry or kitchen. They can see what medicines you have been taking by checking out the medicine cabinet. This is much simpler than keeping up with a food and medicine dairy for your office doctor.

Here is a video I created:


I hope someday that Heal is available in my area.



CNBC.com staff. (2020, June 16). CNBC Disruptor 50 13. Heal. Retrieved from CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/heal-disruptor-50.html

How Heal works. (2020, n/a n/a). Retrieved from Heal: https://heal.com/how-it-works/


I also used various images from google images for the video.