Personal Strategy Plan

As a person living with cancer, we know that our lifelines are short. I may not reach my 80’s and 90’s as my grandparents and great grandparents before me. It took me awhile, but I finally accepted that. However, I still make plans and hope that I get a chance to carry them out. When I first found out that I had cancer I prayed that God will let me stay and see my daughters grow. I have been blessed and have now reached that goal my youngest just turned 18 in June. Now, I pray that I get to see grandchildren, but not too soon. I would like my daughters to at least experience college. The first one has and it is not for her. The second one is just starting. I am an adventurous personality and most don’t like to plan but I do. I also change my mind as well so my plans also change. That being said here is the link to my personal strategy plan for today August 30, 2020:

Personality Concept Map

Here is a link to my personal concept map: This is the first one I have taken of this type. It was interesting to learn that a lot of what I thought was because I was a Gemini was part of my personality. I am sensitive and do not take criticism well. I do like changing my mind and frequently, which drives my boyfriend crazy.  I do not think I am artistic because I believe that part of my brain was damaged before birth. However, I do believe that I am a logical person which is not what my personality assessment stated. Things need to make sense to me for me to understand. I do not think like other people and see things differently than others.