One Paragraph Fact-Check

Original Paragraph:

Since the beginning of human history our health and wellbeing have been intertwined with the Earth’s climate. We as a species have learned based on what part of the planet we live on for example when flu season will be. Over our history we have learned what precautions to take such as what we need to eat and wear to reduce our chances of contracting the flu. But what if we were thrown a curve ball and suddenly flu season changed? Picture a scenario where it is mid-July and along with the threat of contracting lime disease from ticks and west Nile virus from mosquitos that is suddenly became flu season as well. These are things that can happen as more carbon is released and being trapped in the atmosphere creating greenhouse effects.

All the sentences in the above paragraph could be facts except for “But what if we were thrown a curve ball and suddenly flu season changed? Picture a scenario where it is mid-July and along with the threat of contracting lime disease from ticks and west Nile virus from mosquitos that is suddenly became flu season as well.” These sentences aren’t necessarily opinions either.

  1. This sentence had no in-text citation, so I had to try and find all of the information myself from going through all of Chris’s sources. From what I can tell, the information he used for this paragraph was pulled from both of his sources from It couldn’t find a solid place on this website where this was pulled from.
  2. In the third sentence, it appears that the information was pulled from the same source. This information seems to be pulled from the third paragraph in the human health summary on the website.
  3. I also had a difficult time finding a clear enough sentence in the source that they could’ve pulled the last sentence from as well.

Overall, I think that Chris needs to be a little more specific in his sentences and paraphrase less. He should also cite his sources directly in his paragraphs so they are easier for the reader to verify.

This source seems to have passed the 5W’s test.

  • Who: U.S. Global Change and Research Program
  • What: Website
  • When: It doesn’t seem like this piece was timely.
  • Where: United States
  • Why: Inform students

One Response

  1. Christopher Pemberton at |

    Thanks for the feedback and I see you made valid points. I will work on this.


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