5th Guest – John Quinones, ABC News Anchor

John Quinones, with ABC News, will join us to discuss his career and provide us with an opportunity to learn more about Chapter Seven, The Foundations of Freedom of Expression. He will only join us for about 30 minutes. BE SURE TO POST TWO QUESTIONS IN THIS CATEGORY TO OUR BLOG BEFORE THAT MEETING. If time allows, I’ll call on you to ask him questions or, if you are a virtual student who cannot make it, I can ask questions on your behalf.

From the chapter summary: The First Amendment provides an amazing amount of protection for journalists and citizens alike to express themselves just about any way they like. While limits do exist, the courts generally protect speech against attempts by government to regulate it unless the government has extraordinarily powerful reasons to restrict it. The courts have created a number of judicial tests for evaluating First Amendment disputes, and have created a number of areas in which media practitioners face potential legal liability for harm caused by the work they do, especially in the area of libel and privacy.

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