One Response

  1. Russell Heitmann at |

    Your lede is good, but I don’t know that you need quite so much background on when COVID hit – that is pretty common knowledge now, you could instead focus more on the impacts on education a bit sooner – this is personal preference, though.

    Make sure to get some sourcing/citation for claims such as hundred of millions of students to make sure it is verified.

    Try to avoid putting yourself in the story by saying things like “I, we, us, you” and instead let the story tell itself

    Your quotation set up is really well done, just a slight change would be to not add in the “and say” and just stop at he has gained a lot. Then go into your quote.

    Your second quote set up is perfect, well done.

    If you can get first and last names, that would be preferable

    Again, try to avoid saying things like my interviewees, instead you could say individuals such as NAME and NAME have felt a sense of … or change the wording to eliminate putting yourself in there

    The quote about the cute guy is funny, I would make sure that the part of her saying she has a cute guy is attributed to Kelly so it doesn’t sound like you as the author thinks he is cute

    This was a really nice piece for your first story, and you have some really nice talent as a writer. As you get more comfortable with new writing a lot of these things will become easier for you. Well done!


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