Initial DNP Blog–Kay Gonzales

My proposal: ” Does the use of an evidence-based guideline for opioid therapy improve adherence of chronic pain managment to current standards of care?”

The purpose of this review is to  improve provider knowledge and safe practice in prescribing an opioid for chronic pain in a primary care clinic by adherence to the use of the 2016 CDC Guideline for chronic pain management.  This guideline helps improve safety by the prescriber and prevention of un-intended overdose.  Many providers are not aware of the CDC guideline to provide safe care.

Concerns about this project:  At this time it is still awaiting “one” signature so that it may proceed through the University of New Mexico’s IRB process.  This has been most frustrating for me; it has been setting in an inbox for one persons signature since 7/31/19. It is being escalated to academics to see if we can get this individual to sign so that it may go through the process. The clinics Medical Director is  on board with the project.  I anticipate no problems with the clinic. This is a chart review.  I will be assigned a research assistant who will actually be the one to collect all the data for this project.  By doing this the sample (providers of the clinic) will be de-identified when I receive the harvested data.

Timeline: Definitely a concern.  As this may put me one to two months behind.  I am assured that as soon as the process is concluded, they are swift with getting data to the researcher.  After approval from UNM, the proposal still has to go through the FHSU IRB process before the implementation begins.  I do hope to have some sort of resolution by the end of next week.


One thought on “Initial DNP Blog–Kay Gonzales”

  1. Hi Kay. I hope by now your IRB issues have been resolved. My issues seem trivial compared to yours. How sad that one signature will put you behind. Hopefully your research assistant will be able to collect data quickly for you. Is the assistant an employee of the clinic you are implementing your project? I was asking because I had the clinic manager of my project extract the data I needed. This way I did not have to worry about HIPAA or other issues of confidentiality. This seemed to work well and the clinic manager sent me the information I needed yesterday. Good luck. Hopefully things will get on the right track.

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