Stressors in New Nurses

Hello, I chose to do my project over stressors in new nurses. I chose this topic because I am still a new nurse and I hear a lot of the same concerns regarding new nurses. It is hard to make the transition from a student nurse to a full-time working nurse. Many of the factors discussed in my research hit home to me. Not only do they apply to new nurses though, some of these factors apply to seasoned nurses. I think it is important for administration to understand the stress nurses can endure and help prevent it in any way possible.

NURS 446 – New Nurse Stressors

5 Responses

  1. vmfearn at |

    I liked the layout of your poster and the colors you used to keep it simple. I was unaware that more than 35% of new nurses left the bedside within the first two years. That’s a lot! I can see why though. Nursing is stressful as it is; if you’re not given adequate support in the beginning (transition programs, mentoring, etc) I can see how people would want to get out fast. My first few months of nursing were rough and I didn’t have much support. I changed positions to a new hospital a few months in though, and ended up in a much better environment that gave me the support to thrive and learn.

  2. camorris6 at |

    I found your poster very informative. I felt it would have been easier to read if you summarized a little more and used bullet points to guide the readers eye through the poster. It is so important for nursing units to support new nurses to ensure their success in their chosen field, or to determine if it is the right area for them to work in. The first place of employment will definitely impact the future career for the new nurse. Having a structured orientation for the new nurse and mentors to guide the new nurse are also vital for their success. Thank you for the information.

  3. mdpelkey at |

    What did you feel was the most important difference between your first place of employment and the second one that made it a more conducive environment? Your poster, while a little difficult to follow, was informative and provides information that is important for consideration. I was startled that 35% of nurses leave the bedside within the first year. I cannot fathom putting in so much work only to leave the bedside.

  4. nahendrix at |

    New nurses experience a lot of stress. What you imagine nursing as and what nursing is are two different things. It’s also a lot to learn very quickly. I’ve read before the trouble we are having retaining new nurses in the profession – it’s crazy to think 35% of nurses will leave after two years. It’s important to take the time to help yourself by being organized, exercising, sleeping, encouraging self, and treating yourself when small accomplishments are made.

  5. Melissa Rogers at |

    I enjoyed reading your poster. I liked seeing someone step out of the box and choose different colors 🙂 I remember being a new nurse and feeling the stress when I realized the responsibility that I held. Your suggestion that there be a senior staff mentorship program for new grads is super important. Not only can it be a huge benefit to the mentors as well.

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