Research Poster-Comparative management of Vaso-Occlusive episodes associated with Sickle Cell Disease

In the United States Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common inherited blood disorder affecting more than 100,000 people worldwide. (AJN(2019). SCD alters the shape and function of hemoglobin molecules causing the red blood cells to from a rigid sickled shape, that allows it to become trapped in small blood vessels which causes pain. Vaso-Occlusive episodes (VOEs) are the primary source of pain for these individuals. Healthcare holistically when presented in the ED have a stigma of labelingĀ as drug seekers or addicts, often individuals are not properly treated which can lead to vascular necrosis, damaged organs, and death (APS(2018).

Research Poster

One Response

  1. ddrohrbaugh at |

    I had no idea that people with sickle cell would be treated as drug seekers! That seems like such poor care from poorly educated staff. I agree with your nursing implications that nursing staff must advocate for patients and educate other staff. These judgmental attitudes are not helpful and may cause actual physical harm in addition to the psychological harm (and physiological, as well) from untreated pain and being disbelieved. Thank you for educating me!

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