Research Poster – Module 5 -6

I completed my research poster on using DART (detect, act, reassess, and titrate) sepsis bundle in the emergency department compared to no standardized sepsis bundle being used. Overall, the research shows it improves outcomes for the patient such as decreased stay in the hospital, symptoms are recognized quickly, and therapy is not delayed. Nurse initiated bundles are impacting patient care especially with sepsis. Sepsis is the leading cause of death in hospitalized patients. I hope you enjoy my research poster. Thank you. Nicole.


Sepsis bundles

2 Responses

  1. awkaaya at |

    Your poster is easy to follow through and information is clear. Sepsis kills a lot of patients if not diagnosed early enough. The use of sepsis bundle DART would help the nurse to act promptly and takes actions faster, hence serving patients’ lives. Great work!

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