Assessing Risk for Adverse Events in Older Adults

My research poster focused on assessing risk for adverse events in older adults. I chose this topic because in my chosen field of addiction treatment there are not any age-specific assessment tools utilized. I quickly found there were practically no articles other the my initial one discussing assessing the needs of older adults who abuse substances. I had to broaden my search and remove the context of substance abuse. I was still surprised to find limited information on the effectiveness of assessment tools. This was really an eye opening experience for me. 446 Poster Final – Tammy Smith

One Response

  1. mtrogers3 at |

    What a beautiful poster! The graphics were appropriate and the language you used to describe each category of the poster was easy for anyone to read and gain insight into your topic.

    I especially liked the nursing theory you chose as a framework for your research. I liked how you summed up your reason for using this theory, “The research focuses on the effectiveness of age-specific assessments in identifying individuals at risk for adverse events” so that nurses can give patients independence and prevent further health declines. Orem’s model seems like a perfect fit for your research topic.

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