Research Poster-BoDell Gracey

I chose to do my poster on nurse burnout and the impact that training programs in the workplace have on employees.  Research found that there was a significant decrease in anxiety, stress, and burnout with increases in resilience, happiness, and mindfulness.  The results also support blended learning using SMART (Stress Management and Resiliency Training) as a strategy to increase access to resiliency training for nursing staff!  Feel free to ask any questions.  Thank you!

Here is the link to open my poster!

I had FHSU technical support help me upload my poster using google slides.  Let me know if you have problems opening my poster.   Thank you.

5 Responses

  1. tmpetersondivine at |

    I had trouble opening you link, but I think you have chosen an important topic!!

  2. cowolawi at |

    I was able to view the poster. I found your topic very interesting and the poster, concise and informative. Visuals are not overwhelming. To the topic, knowing that stress and burnout affect the quality of care we render to our patient, how do SMART programs work and how often are these strategies utilized by facilities? Have you used it before, and did it work good for you? I am particularly interested in these program as stress in the nursing profession is inevitable.

  3. Katie Gabel (Instructor) at |

    You have to be signed into your FHSU email to have access to the poster, just FYI for other students viewing.

  4. nahendrix at |

    Burnout is a serious problem in nursing. It results decreased job satisfaction, decreased empathy, anxiety, depression, increased medical erros, and decreased patient satisfaction. Healthcare is taking a toll on the mental, emotional, and physical health of nurses, leading to decreased well-being and an increased level of nursing stress called “burnout” and/or “compassion fatigue.” It’s important for nurses to invest time into themselves – delegate when possible, seek support, healthy activities/exercise, and eating healthy. SMART programs helps by using relaxation, meditation, and by completing other mind-calming exercises. I enjoyed your poster! Definitely hits close to home! Thanks for sharing.

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