6 Responses

  1. kapryce at |

    I totally agree with you about pregnant women psychological and physical needs. Stress and anxiety are major problems for pregnant mothers throughout the world face. However, many pregnant mothers are using music as a tool to eliminate stress. Many women are also using music therapy to aide them through childbirth. I love the sound of music, but as a nurse and a mother I would advise pregnant mothers who use music as a therapy to be careful of the type of music, they use to eliminate stress. Research has proven that during the third trimester an unborn child can recognize their mother’s voice and native language. Research also shows that music may have a positive or negative impact on the unborn child.

  2. tmpetersondivine at |

    I love this! Music therapy can be used in many setting within the hospital. High anxiety and high stress areas especially mother baby would be a perfect place to utilize this form of distraction theory. We use music in the perioperative setting as well. It helps patients to relax as much a possible and helps with the avoidance of pharmacological means to reduce patient anxiety.

  3. cowolawi at |

    Nice topic, Igbergman. I absolutely agree that music is powerful and therapeutic. What I cannot understand, however, is how music will affect a fetus negatively as suggested by studies referenced by Kapryce. Good thing, research is ongoing and this has presented an area for further exploration. Funny though, I wonder if music would have made a difference when my labor was induced. The pain was excruciating!…nothing mattered at the time. Thanks for sharing.

  4. mtrogers3 at |

    I really like the topic you chose. Your poster was well-written, organized, and pleasant to look at.

    I found this quote from your poster interesting:”Pregnant women’s psychological needs are often not taken as seriously as their physical needs despite evidence showing adverse outcomes for the mother and child”. There would be such benefits to patients if U.S. healthcare took a greater holistic approach to patient care. It is surprising that more emphasis isn’t put on the psychological needs of pregnant people and new mothers considering the well-documented cases of postpartum depression and the well-known fact that pregnancy, birth, and realities of having a newborn all can be highly stressful events for women for numerous reasons. I wonder how often music therapy is used in hospitals. It seems like it could have great therapeutic use in all units of the hospital.

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