Research Poster Presentation

For my research poster, I chose to examine the effects of sucrose on pain management in infants and neonates during painful procedures such as immunizations. The outcome of this study is something that I would like to implement in the allergy clinic. We currently give immunizations, allergy and skin testing of all ages. We do not have an intervention in place to assist in the pain management for younger children.  Our clinic would benefit from a pain management intervention that spans over all ages and needs to increase comfort level and reduce anxiety in all patients.

Research Poster-Johnny Carter (2)


4 Responses

  1. allindsay at |

    I haven’t even seen a facility use sucrose for infants vaccinations. When my daughter was little they just stuck her and let her cry. I can imagine that giving them something that would be somewhat of a distraction would be very helpful. I think this would be something that would be useful in even slightly older children as well, maybe even with sour candy.

  2. wagresham at |

    Good job on your poster! It was very informative and easy to follow and understand. I remember my kids getting sucrose when the got circumcised and was surprised when they said “sugar water” helps calm them. This poster answered those questions for me on why it works. I think it is great that sucrose can help with pain rather than giving them narcotics.

  3. awkaaya at |

    I found your topic very important and informative. As we know that assessing pain to this population is really hard and needs a lot of patience to figure out. I observed my kids getting vaccination without anything to relieve their pain. I wonder why sucrose is not used in different clinics. Great work!

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