West KT 2


Systems Thinking: Is a complex way of thinking differently than a person is used to. It allows for many different inputs by taking apart a concept or issue and tackling each individual issue one by one and then putting it back together.

Improving Quality of healthcare: it is apparent that there is a need for more systems thinking in place to really evaluate the problems that are faced and fix them properly for the long term.

Chapter Discission: I found many of the parts to be interesting regarding how/when they became important and why. I did not think about how important the relationships between every single part of an organization need to work together to be successful. Systems thinking models allow for discussions to occur among all of the different sectors of an organization, and allow them to come up with mutual ideas on what will be the best solution.

How DSRP and WHO Differ: To me, they seem very similar. The difference I notice is within the terminology used for both. In the end, though, they mean relatively the same thing.
The WHO system does have a few more steps but I think the topics/pieces are just broken down more.





5 thoughts on “West KT 2

  1. Danae – wonderful job! Can you share this with the FB group if you haven’t already? You get the extra credit for KT2 (Admin HC).

    By the way. This map is great! This should help other students as they dive deeper into Plectica!

  2. Very easy to read map. I like the different sections and the different background colors. You broke down each section in detail. I enjoyed reviewing your work and thought process.

  3. Awesome job, Danae! Definitely something unique compared to what others have done. It’s well organized and detailed. You also seemed to have gone above and beyond on answering the questions while adding some solid, thorough reflection on your post. Very impressive and a great model for others to base their work off of.

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