KT9 Katie Dailey


What?: A lot of reading and answering questions from the textbook.

So What?: I applied inquisitive thinking to the questions and used previous knowledge, as well as knowledge from the textbook.
Now What?: I can reflect on these questions when considering future career options or growth. My current boss speaks a lot about Growth Mindset. Growth Mindset is something I do not think much about. However, I now realize that it requires much ethical and moral thinking to be done to explore legal options.

3 Replies to “KT9 Katie Dailey”

  1. You are right about the too much reading part. I agree as a physician that we tend to treat patient unequally when it comes to their healthcare. I understand that equality in treatment and every individual should receive the same care but practically speaking, it can not happen. Some patients are careless about their own health and do not follow instructions or refuse to receive treatment, those patients will not bee taken care of favorably and will treated differently.

  2. I can tell you put a lot of thought into your comment about the satellite clinics. I agree with you. I have seen first hand how these satellite clinics can affect a rural area in both negative and positive aspects.

  3. Hello Katie,
    I was a little torn on the use of chronic illness and personal data on nonprofit organizations. The reason I was questionable on this is my fear would there might be misreporting of data due to making sure the nonprofit status is achieved. Do you feel that this type of issue might occur?


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