5 Replies to “KT 1 Katie Dailey”

  1. Hi Katie! I thought that your map was great! I thought that your goals for your career matched your personality trait exam. As a healthcare professional being an advocate is extremely important. I am in the same boat about how I feel regarding the course. I think the non-traditional aspect of it is going to be interesting and I am excited to see how the year will pan out.

  2. Congrats on starting your Master’s program! You’ll do well! I liked the layout of your map, its nice and appealing. Makes it easy to follow. I too work in healthcare but behind the scenes. I am very shy and don’t like to interact in person unless I have to, lol! I get to do my job as an analyst in my office and communicate via email most of the time. It’s almost the perfect job. Good luck in this class and all your others!

  3. Hey there Katie! I really enjoyed your map and thought it was very informative! I as well, have experience in the healthcare field and hope to possibly pursue the management side of things in the near future. I hope you have a great semester and wish you the best of luck!

  4. Katie – fantastic job! Would you mind sharing your map with the SL Facebook Group?

  5. Hello Katie! I too was very frightened when I started this class, I still sort of am. But I know that I will get through it (as well as you). I think you should follow your goal/dream and work for the CDC or WHO if that is what you really want to do. I myself would find that to be stressful but if that is something you really want to do- GO FOR IT! I hope you have a great semester!

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