KT 1 Assignment – Desiree Southers

I have completed the assignment, bought the book, and completed the personality test.



10 Replies to “KT 1 Assignment – Desiree Southers”

  1. Wow! I applaud you for having five kiddos, including a five month old, and still somehow finding time to chase your dreams! You are a force to be reckoned with! Good luck this semester. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much! I am determined to get what I want. Hopefully it pays off in the end. Good luck to you as well!

  3. Hey Desiree! I see that you are a data analyst currently. I am actually graduating this December with my bachelors in Information networking and telecommunications with an emphasis in healthcare informatics! I am also a mother (of two), so I can only imagine how busy you must be!
    I wish you the absolute best of luck this semester from mom to mom 😉

  4. Desiree Southers says: Reply

    Awe! Thank you! I actually really like the job. Is that what you are wanting to do when you finish?

  5. Hi Desiree, what a busy mom you are. I too will have 5 children before long. I’m attempting to finish my bachelor’s before long since my 5th baby is due early next year. Good luck this semester!

    1. Good luck to you as well and thank you!

  6. Hey Desiree! You seem to be a pretty busy person! I myself have 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls; boys are 10 and 4 and the girls are 2 and 1. My husband wants at least one more baby but I am not so sure yet. I hope you have a great semester and this class helps with your goals!

  7. I’m glad I am not the only one I know with lots of kiddos! LOL! Thank you and I hope yours goes well too!

  8. i admire you. I have three children and work full time night shift. My wife does their virtual learning with them and i help out on my days off. Good luck on your studies this semester.

  9. Hi Desiree, sorry for the late comment, just good luck for the course and having a large family is one of the best things ever, don’t know how you juggle between studying, your work and your kids but you are doing an awesome job!

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