
For week two’s assignment was to define what the program “Tableau” is and it’s functions that can benefit individuals who are in the Human and Health Performance (HHP) field. The guided question is, “how do you determine it?”. To answer the guided question, I had to do research with the given links provided by our instructor. The information helped me determine how Tableau can be used in this specific field.

To break down the questions, I had to research what Tableau is, its benefits, its functions, the pros and cons. With this information, I was able to answer all my questions how Tableau is able to benefit professionals working in the Human and Health Performance field.

Why is the benefits and functions of Tableau in the HHP field important? The benefits is that it can help professionals in the HHP field to bring statistics and numbers into a graphic chart that is interactive and visual aids for records and/or presenting to others.

See Plectica Map:

2 Responses

  1. Jamie Schwandt at |

    Great job! Do you plan on continuing to use Tableau after this course is complete?

  2. kellysmith at |

    I continue to try and understand the Plectica and Tableau programs. I look to you and Brandon as examples, as your maps look great.


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