
We are looking for the mean, median and standard deviation for the given test scores in assignment 1. We must calculate by finding the difference from each number given, square the results, solve for the mean of the squared difference then find the square root.

To calculate the standard deviation of the student’s test scores, I had to follow the steps outlined above. After following each step (see attached Pletica Map), the answer is 6.5

Why is the standard deviation of 6.5 important? It is because we can now see which test scores are within one standard deviation (6.5) of the mean. Therefore, using the standard deviation, we have a “standard” way of knowing what is the average, low and high test scores of the students.

Pletica Map: https://www.plectica.com/maps/XX24SEB2F

5 Responses

  1. Jamie Schwandt at |

    Erick – great job!

  2. brandonhardwick at |


    Having the ability to see what someone else did on their work is helpful. I struggled with links from what portion of the map to another. It looks like you did a good job with this.

    Hopefully, week two will be better for me and not as time consuming. I think just getting a feel for something new was difficult for me.

    Great job.


  3. kellysmith at |

    Thank you for sharing that you found help in the YouTube tutorials. I will be checking those out for sure as I felt completely lost. Your Plectica map was well put together and very detailed.


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