Colors and finishes

Now that the floorplans are finalized, much of the planning efforts have shifted toward making smaller-scale decisions of the colors, furnishing, and finishes.

PGAV presented several different color schemes to choose from and the color palette called “Golden Hour” was selected. The warm and subtle hues of tan, gold, grey, and black manifest Tiger spirit with a modern twist. When recommending materials, PGAV has been very intentional about distinguishing different spaces with distinct carpet patterns and/or ceiling finishes.

A semi-transparent acrylic surface with backlighting will provide a warm welcoming glow at the Help Desk near the North entrance of the building. White endcaps on the library shelves will give crisp, clean finishes. In addition to the large windows that will let in natural light, white speckled and light tan Corian countertops will also help lighten up the space. Geometric patterns of felt baffles will not only produce visual interest, but improve sound acoustics throughout the building.

White Corrian countertops and semi-transparent yellow acrylic surfaces

As the construction document deadline is approaching, the new spaces are coming to life with the fine details of this contemporary yet neutral palette. What an exciting process!


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