4 Responses

  1. jjcorbett at |

    Hello Lindsey! Your poster looks great! Female external catheters are a wonderful idea, especially since females are more prone to CAUTIs. The VA hospital that I work at trialed ‘Purewick’ catheters for females and they were awesome. We ultimately ended up not buying them because we rarely have female patients but I think the idea of them is excellent. You utilized great graphics for your poster and it is informative. Good job!

  2. Karen at |

    Lindsey, such interesting information to read about external catheters and suctioning. I am glad that solutions to a long tome problem are being addressed in new ways. I have not had any experience with this type of device but rather have patients that generally need a catheter due to urine retention issues or post-op patients. I am on a task force to prevent cauti infections where I work. We are reinforcing proper catherization techniques and proper positioning of the catheter without dependent loops. Thank-you for sharing your informative poster.

  3. ardavis8 at |

    Your poster looks wonderful! You have great information about CAUTI and it is set up in a very catchy way to get the readers eye. This helps give information as to why we need to be cautious with foley catheters. I often have to explain to patients as to why we don’t want to put them in for short procedures “just because” they have some incontinence issues. The incontinence can be dealt with, we don’t want to have a chance to introduce infection.

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