Blog Post 7- Fact Check of: The Impact of Social Media and Social Media Addiction-By kkbrown4

The Impact of Social Media and Social Media Addiction

           In recent years, social media has become an ever-present staple in modern society. Many social media platforms on the Internet today have become deeply rooted in many regards of everyday life ranging from work to school. It’s (It is) apparent that social media is not going to go anywhere anytime soon. (1) Additionally, social media addiction is becoming a much more prevalent issue among teens and young adults who have access to social networking sites. Considering this, it’s (it is) imperative to look at what negative effects that unremitted exposure to social media might have on young people in today’s society (today). (2) These negative effects include things such as self-esteem issues, body dissatisfaction, or conversely, narcissism.

Fact Checks:

1-“Additionally, social media addiction is becoming a much more prevalent issue among teens and young adults who have access to social networking sites.”

Fact Check: It is true that the number of teens and young adults that are addicted to social networking sites have increased. The largest group of addiction according to Statista was ages 23-38 ( I recommend clarification on what you mean by “young adult”.

2-“These negative effects include things such as self-esteem issues, body dissatisfaction, or conversely, narcissism.”  

Fact Check:  This is true and does not even begin to scratch the surface of the plethora of negative effects that social media addiction can have on an individual. I would recommend adding a few more side effects to really drive home just how debilitating this disease can be, especially since social media addiction is that title of the paper. The second paragraph of the link below can help with this.


Bold and italic words are just recommendations. I would not use contractions in a paper that is trying to deliver information. Again just a recommendation and my recommendation is in the ( ) next to the bold words.

One Response

  1. Dr. Loggins at |

    Well done, Kerissa, and I agree with your tip. For a formal school paper, like this one, contractions are generally not appropriate and the wording should be more formal.

    However, that is not always true with your articles. Contractions are sometimes used in print and positive contractions are usually preferred in broadcast writing.


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