Ristvedt KT1



What’s your name? Emmery Ristvedt 🙂

Are you a graduate student? If no, what year? i.e. Junior, Senior, etc.  I am a senior this year and graduating in May 2020, also a current graduate student working towards my Master’s in Professional Studies in Public Health Administration!

Why did you enroll in this class? I enrolled in this class due to wanting to have a better understanding of healthcare administration. I feel like they end up having to do a lot of behind the scenes work which makes healthcare facilities so successful, along with this it is also a required course in my graduate program of study.

Have you heard of my class and/or teaching methodology? Up until I started looking into graduate school I had not heard about this class, and along with this I have never heard of your methodology but excited to catch on to it!

What are your initial thoughts? Honestly, I am still having a difficult time trying to navigate the website and syllabus, I am just so used to the traditional online learning through Fort Hays which just requires you to just read a powerpoint and then take a test over the powerpoint. I really feel like I’m not retaining the information given to me. I am just memorizing information long enough to take the test. Already I feel like I am going to recieve a better experience from this class then any other virtual class I have taken.

What are your expectations of this course? My expectations for this course include learning what really goes into being an administrator in the healthcare field and the critical thinking that goes into this profession

Did you signup for the FHSU Promo free Plectica account? I sure did!

Did you join the SL Facebook Group? Definitely!


7 thoughts on “Ristvedt KT1

  1. I love that you bring in the concept of critical thinking! I see a lot of ‘cookbook medicine’ but find in healthcare, more times than not, one has to have the ability to adapt on the fly, think against the norm and be willing to accept change…even if it is for a short time! I really think we are losing the critical thinking concept by turning everyone into robots and not allowing individuality to come through in healthcare.
    And by typing that, I totally get this model of education in this course. MIND BLOWN!

  2. I completely understand the frustration with this new learning style. I am as well used to the more traditional approach. With that said, I am keeping an open mind and am open to learning something new. Good luck this semester!

  3. Thank you for your positive first impression of this class! I have been pretty negative myself, so I appreciate you bringing me and the conversation back “above the line”. I hope you are correct that this methodology with make the information stick. I will say that I have had a tremendous experience with my FHSU MPS PHA courses and have done very little “memorize and test”. I’m sorry you have! I’ve been doing lots of writing and discussion about current events and issues in conjunction with TED talks, discussion boards and well-written texts. It’s been fantastic! Hopefully you’ll have some better experiences moving forward. Thanks again for the encouraging outlook!

    • It’s really nice to hear that you are enjoying your courses so far! It gives me a positive outlook for working towards the rest of my degree!

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