It is time to start thinking about your final story. This can be on any topic and medium. Above all else, it must be a factual and compelling story. Here are a few requirements to help you ensure that:

Bru-nO / Pixabay
- At least two real-time interviews and
- A total of five different story sources.
- It must incorporate at least one still picture for TMN to highlight.
- Hyperlinks are encouraged for stories with moving audio or video and required for other media.
- Any audio and video stories must be submitted with a script that includes transcripts for each soundbite and notes all of the natural sound.
As you write your story, consider the following:
- How would you explain the story in ONE sentence?
- With that theme in mind, what are the essential elements, including the 5 W’s, that must be told?
- Are there additional elements that can enhance the story without distracting from the main point?
- What are the essential human elements — the best quotes, soundbites, or visuals?
- Can you get the audience further involved in the story, and if so, how?
Remember the relevant class resources:
- Our course guide at the Forsyth Library website,
- Poynter’s resources, particularly the 100’s of interactive journalism courses at NewsU, and, among other things,
- The Multi-Media Story module in Bb has a plethora of examples and tips for different media stories. It is located at the bottom of the Knowledge Paper Submission area.
You get to pitch your stories in Module 6. To ensure success, your story must be finished by December 3. You’ll share your stories with Nick & Russell and they will provide feedback to ensure your story is ready for publication by December 10.
Your submissions related to this assignment will be the Pitch you write for Blog Post 10 and the post you create for your first story update. You will edit that post until you finalize your story in December.