FT17: Marc Najjar

Well my final feedback won’t be surprising to anyone in the class who are almost used to me nagging about it. I am really sorry for the honest feedback, I however liked how it was presented and doing the blog, as for the rest… well you all know by now. open the following link for […]

FT17-Brandi Dixon

Thank you Dr. Schwandt for being so involved and teaching us your methodology. Swarm learning has taught me a lot more than what I initially ever thought it would and for that I am very grateful. Sincerely, An openminded student   https://www.plectica.com/maps/782U3CYHY    

Brandi Dixon- Learning from natures wisdom (Biomimicry)

https://bldixon.medium.com/learning-from-natures-wisdom-biomimicry-2046f3494e96 I have really enjoyed discovering new things about my chosen topic. When I initially chose this topic I had not had much knowledge on the subject. I had heard of biometric screenings for pre-employment and how beneficial those screenings could be. With more research I was able to gain a better understanding of what […]