KT9 Donnie MacLeod: Juggling the Confusing World of Healthcare Regulation in the US

What: completed KT9

So what: being an administrator in healthcare is going to be tough. Regulation will drive healthcare in one direction and consumers will drive it in another direction. It’s out job as managers to find the middle road, complying with healthcare regulation and making patients better

Now what: build on these principles on how to improve quality of care in healthcare organizations




5 Replies to “KT9 Donnie MacLeod: Juggling the Confusing World of Healthcare Regulation in the US”

  1. Well I cant’ imagine myself as a manager but you are right the struggle is real in this domain, regulations and consumers don’t mix well and the administrator will act as a referee for the most part.

  2. Hey Donnie,
    I thought that you made some really great points in your discussions.
    One particularly that stood out to me was the questions regarding patients bill of rights. I agree that this should be aspects that are followed constantly by the healthcare organization. I feel that these are common sense principles that organizations and providers should automatically be adhering to.

  3. Hello Donnie,
    In response to the question on accreditation, it was interesting to see another point of view on this. I believe that accreditation would be a helpful thing as long as their was annual review and strong audit points set up. This would give the business a goal/task list so that they would know what was expected to be in compliance, but also know that they may be audited on their results and accreditation may be taken away if they do not meet these standards.


  4. Hi Donnie,
    I think you did a great job breaking apart these questions and putting a personal reflection on them. I am curious as to what you think about the satellite clinics doing to the OB/GYN group with it being more accessible to those without good healthcare. Do you think there will be more visits for women who are unintentionally pregnant whether this is for the health of the baby/mom or for termination? I see this as possibly being a concern that the clinic hasn’t quite thought of yet.

  5. I think it would be good. Pregnancy can be a very emotional time in someone’s life. A lot of people are turned away from hospitals because they can have negative connotations. I’ve had patients tell me they neglected their own health because they didn’t want to come to a hospital. A satellite clinic for OB/GYN may make new mothers more comfortable coming to the clinic and they would likely be placed in areas of need so they will be closer to home for most.

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