7 Replies to “KT10 Marc Najjar”

  1. Hey Marc, I really wanted to read your map, but had a hard time because posting a picture does not allow me to zoom in all the way. It may be easier if you would share a link that we could click on, to be able to fully zoom in on your map and read what is in the tiny boxes. I’m sure it was interesting!

    1. Hello, you still can read my map easily! i have included a link to the pdf file of it, just press on kt10 marc najjar (it is highlighted in purple under the actual image), this is the PDF file where you can zoom and see everything in detail. I alway arrange my posts like this and it has never been an issue. Sorry for the confusion that it might have caused you.

  2. So for reference I work PT in a rural area at a hospital. I’m close enough to the city (Kansas City) that a lot of patients have orthopedic surgeries with surgeons in the city and will come to us for PT. I’ve had more than one patient say they went to a certain surgeon because they do robotic assisted knee replacements. Not only will it improve outcomes but it could also mean more patients. More patients = more revenue

    1. I tend to agree, the more technology is present, the more attractive it is for the patient. Investing in having the latest state of the art surgical techniques can go a long way for the medical center.

  3. That goes along exactly when you say being customer centric. I would agree starting there and focusing there with most decisions will continue to keep patients coming.

    1. Being customer centric is becoming quickly the motto of many HCO nowadays since it promises to deliver higher quality care at a competitive price.

  4. Hello Marc,

    I believe it is always interesting to learn about different positions. In my opinion learning about different positions and the challenges that go with each, allows us to really determine what we want to do with our future. Some are able to lock in on what they want and others continue exploring different avenues. Great post and assignment completion.

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