KT5 Katie Dailey

Survey completed. Program Structure. COVID-19 Tracer Complete.

How do my career personality types match up with everyone else’s?




3 Replies to “KT5 Katie Dailey”

  1. Katie Dailey – As I stated on Facebook… fantastic job! I found your mind mapping idea to be interesting. It might actually work. I was intrigued by your rationale in determining the positions in the attached image. Great job!
    “Before hiring a new employee, those working in the department currently could create mind maps during a meeting. Their mind maps could depict how they feel that all moving parts work with one another. Mind maps could be completed after an interview with a new hire. The interviewer may sketch how they feel the new person would fit into the current workplace culture. This could be useful in identifying needs. Perhaps one could complete a mind map and then determine that there are several tasks that seem to fit a new role, or are currently undesignated. Mind maps should be created frequently to determine changes in the workplace or even changes in thinking for employees. Mind maps encourage creativity and system thinking, to determine how every little thing is interconnected.”
    What did you think of the Cultural Perception Framework?
    What did you think about the assignment? What did you learn? Was it helpful?

  2. The program organization structure is a great reliable structure! I think that in this particular structure managers have to focus really hard on working harmoniously with one another so that no work falls through the cracks. I’ve seen from personal experience where the project teams are very loyal to their own department or managers, but they forget to put that energy into the overall project itself.
    Great job on your map!

    1. Thanks so much! I did not even think about the great point you made- but I can totally see all managers being so dedicated to their own departments that they lose sight of the big picture. This is something to consider!

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