3 Replies to “FT4- Brandi Dixon”

  1. Thanks for sharing Brandi- lots of good information in here. There is no right way to answer a survey, and I enjoy looking at all of the different answers. It is nice to compare how others are feeling to my own feelings and not be alone in many feats.

  2. Nice post, especially the 4 ways of seeing yourself and husband, i guess you nailed most of the characteristics that make you compatible.

  3. Hi Brandi,
    I personally had fun on this assignment. I thought it was interesting to see my personality compared to my husbands (on a survey that is) as well as seeing yours and others in the class. I think seeing everyone’s personality helps me understand a bit about how and why the other students create their Plectica map in the way they do or if they are elaborate and detail oriented or making point blank answers. I think I had the same initial reaction as you did about this being confusing, but I think as we go along, it is getting easier to understand and unlike some in the course, I can see this being beneficial to Administration in Healthcare. I think we are still so new to this class that we are still in the understanding and planning stages that we will be able to see a bigger picture overall soon. I personally see it like the Plectica map. When you look at each piece individually, it may not make sense. But as you scroll out, you can see the whole picture (and visa versa). Good luck on everything. I understand life is insane right now for everyone and we will get through. I think this was by far the best class I could have had during this insane time!

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