Assignment #8 (Feedback Map 2)

Simple Rules to follow: 

Rule #1: Guiding Question

  • Answer the questions below, then create a Feedback Map in Plectica (feel free to add to the questions).

Rule #2: Given Information/Data

  • Are the Plectica Maps getting easier? Why or why not?
  • Is the Connect program worthwhile? Why or why not?
  • Do you find Thinkquiry a useful tool? Why or why not?
  • Do you understand the DSRP framework? Why or why not?
  • Do you find the Facebook Group helpful? Why or why not?
  • Is the SCQ Framework and Pyramid Principle helping you? Why or why not?
  • Do you find the to be a helpful program with your essay? Why or why not?
  • What can the instructor do to change your mind so that you write a blog?
  • Is the class blog/learning community format helpful? Why or why not?
  • Do you find Tableau to be a worthwhile program? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think students hesitate to jump in and start creating maps?
  • Are you learning from your peers? Do you use their maps and framework as an example for your own?
  • What type of feedback do you think the instructor needs at this point in time?
  • What additional (and candid) feedback would you like to provide at this time?
  • What is one thing the instructor could do to immediately improve this course?
  • What is the one thing you enjoy about this course?

Rule #3: Create a Plectica Map

Rule #4: Create a Blog Post in this Learning Community

  • Click +New at the top of the screen.
  • Label the post (Lastname_Week1_PlecticaMap_1) or something to that extent.
  • Include a link to your Plectica Map and/or an image.
  • Reply to at least 2 other student blog post in this Learning Community.

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