Assignment #3: Instructions (Essay/Blog Initial Guidance)

Simple Rules to Follow:

Rule #1: Visit and use the free version (feel free to purchase, but not a requirement) of the argument mapping software. This program provides templates for structuring an argument for essays, letters, etc. I use it all the time! Research and choose one of the following topics (for which you will draft an essay throughout the semester… however, the only item due now is a concept map answering the guiding question below):

*You will be writing an essay or blog (150 extra credit points for a blog)*

Option #1: Lean Six Sigma (LSS)

How can you use Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare? Essay or blog must use the DMAIC problem-solving methodology and must provide some sort of quantitative analysis.

Helpful examples: read (click see full-text) Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare, watch Overview of the DMAIC Methodology
Watch the following introduction video on Lean Six Sigma:

Option #2: Hypothesis Testing 

How can you use Hypothesis Testing to determine (choose one of the following for the essay or blog): 1) How to measure neurogenesis in adults in health and human performance, or 2) How to measure child obesity in physical education classes.

Helpful examples: read Hypothesis Testing – Examples and Case Studies, The neurogenesis hypothesis of affective and anxiety disorders: are we mistaking the scaffolding for the building?, watch Idea behind hypothesis testing, watch Neurogenesis Ted Talk by Dr. John Ratey

Option #3: Pascal’s Triangle

How can you use Pascal’s Triangle in health and human performance?

Helpful examples: read What Is Pascal’s Triangle?, read Top 10 Secrets of Pascal’s Triangle, watch How to use Pascal’s triangle to find your tent at a festival, watch Pascal’s triangle for binomial expansion

Option #4: Type I and Type II Error / False Positive and False Negative

How can you use false positives and false negatives (technically referred to as type I and type II error) in health and human performance?

Helpful examples: read Type I and Type II Errors – Making Mistakes in the Justice System, read False Positive and False Negative, read To Err is Human: What are Type I and II Errors?, read False Positive and False Negative: Definition and Examples

***You must use some sort of quantitative analysis in either a blog or essay. Some of you have requested to write a blog on another topic – you must convince me why you shouldn’t write one on the options above. You can use or any other type of blog site (to include personal or LinkedIn). However, please remember that the essay standards apply to the blog post (and don’t forget that a blog is available for the world to see!). I do want to encourage you all to write a blog though… it takes guts! And you will receive 150 extra credit points!***

Rule #2: Watch the following short video on the Toulmin Model of Argumentation:

You must use the following essay writing guide as you complete the essay. See below:

  • Read Essay Writing Guide
  • Read Thesis Development
  • Watch Video
  • Complete Plectica Map (Plectica)
  • Complete Blog Post
  • Reply to at least two other student blog post

Rule #3: Create a Plectica Map illustrating how you plan to structure a 5 paragraph outline and/or using the structure of the Toulmin Method. 

***Again, your paper is not due until the end of the semester. However, if you choose to write a “real” blog (rather than an essay), then you will receive 150 extra credit points! This means, publishing on a site such as Three students from the fall semester published outstanding blogs. Feel free to use them to assist you. Student blogs below:

Biomimicry and Task Forces: Partners for Solving Problems in Health Care?

Biomimicry Framework for Health Care Decisions Using Question Formulation Technique

Using Biomimicry and Task Forces to Solve Problems Within A Healthcare Organization

Rule #4: Create and share your blog post. To create your post, navigate to “Posts” on the sidebar and select “Add New”. Enter a name in the title box, then write or paste in your content in the text editor. Then preview in the “Publish” box. Click “Publish” to release and post your blog for the class to see.  Share your Plectica link and/or an image of your map.

Rule #5: Comment on at least two other student blog posts.


Guiding Question: 

What option did you choose to write about? Why did you choose this? How do you plan on formatting your essay or do you plan on writing an actual blog?




How?: (Your concept map should provide an example and an illustration of your 5 paragraph outline and/or an illustration of the Toulmin Method via the argument mapping software

Plectica link:


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