HHP 340 Tests and Measurements (Summer 2019)
Tests and Measurements
HHP 340 – Summer 2019
Fort Hays State University
Department of Health and Human Performance
Jamie Schwandt, Ed.D.
1.1 Credit Hours | 2 |
1.2 Semester and Year | Summer 2019 |
1.3 Location of Class | Virtual |
2.1. Instructor Contact Information
- Dr. Jamie Schwandt
- Office Location: Remote
- Email Address: jrschwandt@fhsu.edu
2.2. Contact Procedure and Policy: Available by email with a 24 hour response time
3.1. Required Textbook(s): Measurement by the Physical Educator: Why and How, 7th Edition (must purchase the Connect program as well)
3.2. Supplementary Book(s) and Article(s): Systems Thinking Made Simple: New Hope for Solving Wicked Problems by Derek and Laura Cabrera
Flock Not Clock: Design, Align, and Lead to Achieve Your Vision by Derek and Laura Cabrera
4.1. Course Description: This course is intended for those seeking a career in physical education, exercise science, or kinesiology. It will provide you with the necessary skills to conduct measurement techniques properly and effectively.
5.1. Course Objectives:
- Explain measurement, evaluation, assessment, and statistics in health promotion.
- Describe and present a distribution of scores.
- Investigate the relationship between scores and the difference in scores.
- Determine what a good test is in health promotion.
- Explain how to construct a knowledge test in health promotion.
- Describe how to assess and grade students in health promotion.
- Explain how to construct and administer psychomotor tests in health promotion.
- Describe systems thinking and its use in health promotion.
- Learn how to deconstruct an argument.
- Learn how to write an argumentative essay.
- Learn how to use business intelligence programs and tools used in the real world.
- Learn the importance of providing and receiving candid feedback.
5.2. Course Expectations: Active participation in Learning Community (must respond to at least two student’s maps/discussion) and completion of required maps.
6.1. Delivery Method: This class is prepared for the Virtual College at Fort Hays State University. It is a combination of reading, individual and group concept mapping, discussion and collaboration, and an argumentative essay.
This class is a learning community. Ideas will be presented and discussed using a blog format. You will need to use the following link to access this learning community at https://ltblogs.fhsu.edu/hhp340summer19/
6.2. Course Structure: Weekly topics and assignments. Each week will begin on a Monday. All assignments will be due the following Monday. Feel free to work ahead. You will be required to complete and share weekly concept maps. We will use simple rules to complete each map. You will need to use the guiding questions from Thinkquiry and then complete your maps using Plectica. Use the following link to receive the paid version of Plectica for free https://www.plectica.com/promo/fjsu619. You will create all maps (Plectica Maps, Logic Maps, and Feedback Maps using Plectica).
6.3. Logic Maps will utilize a free mapping system to supplement Plectica and can be found at Rationaleonline.com.
6.4. In addition to Plectica, all Plectica Maps will be supplemented with statistical analysis using Tableau. Use the following link to access the Tableau business intelligence software program https://sso.online.tableau.com/public/idp/SSO.
6.5. An optional program that you should utilize is the Swarm Learning Class Discussion Facebook Group. This was initially an idea from a previous student. The group includes previous and current students (from other classes), experts, and educators. This is a great way to interact with others who have been through this type of teaching methodology. Request to join here https://www.facebook.com/groups/387029035184032/.
This schedule is tentative and might change during the semester depending on how the course evolves. If time is mentioned in the course, it refers to the Central Time Zone.
Week | Dates | Module Focus | Assessment |
1 | June 3 | Module 1 | Connect Chapter 1, Plectica Map 1 & 2, Logic Map 1, Feedback Map 1
2 | June 10 | Module 1 | Connect Chapter 2, Plectica Map 1 & 2, Logic Map 1, Feedback Map 1 |
3 | June 17 | Module 2 | Connect Chapter 3, Plectica Map 3 & 4, Logic Map 2, Feedback Map 2
4 | June 24 | Module 2 | Connect Chapter 4, Plectica Map 3 & 4, Logic Map 2, Feedback Map 2
5 | July 1 | Module 3 | Connect Chapter 5, Plectica Map 5 & 6, Logic Map 3, Feedback Map 3, Swarming the Canvas
6 | July 8 | Module 3 | Connect Chapter 6, Plectica Map 5 & 6, Logic Map 3, Feedback Map 3 |
7 | July 15 | Module 4 | Connect Chapter 7, Plectica Map 7 & 8, Final Essay or Blog
8 | July 22 | Module 4 | Connect Chapter 8, Plectica Map 7 & 8, Final Essay or Blog, End of Course Evaluation
There are 1000 points for this course. The grade you earn for this course depends on the total number of points you earn throughout the semester. The assessment methods and grading scale are as follows:
Assessment Methods | Points |
Connect (8 total, 30 pts ea) | 240 |
Plectica Map (8 total, 40 pts ea) | 320 |
Logic Map (3 total, 40 pts ea) | 120 |
Final Essay or Blog (150 extra credit points for Blog!) (1 total) | 110 |
Swarming the Canvas (1 total) | 50 |
Feedback Map (3 total, 40 pts ea) | 120 |
End of Course Evaluation Map (1 total) | 40 |
Total Points | 1000 |
= A (90% and above)
= B (80%–89%)
= C (70%–79%)
= D (60%–69%)
= U (below 60%)
Students have access to academic services, technical support and student services at Fort Hays State University. You can find the resources online at http://www.fhsu.edu/learningtechnologies/BlackboardStudentTutorials/
For more information you can contact TigerTech at 785-628-3478 or https://www.fhsu.edu/tigertech/
10.1. Class Attendance: virtual
10.2. Class Participation: mandatory collaboration
10.3. Assignment Due Date: flexible
10.4. Procedures for Assignment Submission: see assignment instructions in Learning Community
10.5. Test Make-ups: there are no tests!
10.6. Bonus Points or Extra Credit: 150 extra credit points for writing a Blog!
10.7. Collaboration Procedures: see Swarming the Canvas and Facebook Group
11.1. Academic Honesty: https://www.fhsu.edu/academic/provost/handbook/ch_2_academic_honesty/
11.2. Attendance: http://www.fhsu.edu/academic/provost/handbook/ch_2_instructional_procedures/
11.3. Withdrawal: https://www.fhsu.edu/academic/provost/handbook/ch_7_change_enrollment/
11.4. Student Accessibility Services: http://www.fhsu.edu/accessibility/
11.5. Kelly Center Support Services: http://www.fhsu.edu/kellycenter/
11.6. Title IX Policy: https://www.fhsu.edu/humanresourceoffice/Title-IX-Policy/
11.7. Career Services: http://www.fhsu.edu/career/
11.8. Technology Services: https://www.fhsu.edu/technology/
11.9. Smarthinking: http://www.fhsu.edu/virtualcollege/smarthinking/