Open During Construction

Open During Construction

When you hear that Forsyth Library is open during construction, what does that actually mean? Take a tour with Ginger Williams, Dean of Library Services, to know what to expect for the Fall 2024 semester.    


Inclusive by Design

Help Desk on Main Level

Libraries are for everyone, and the renovation will align the physical building with the organizational values that Forsyth Library upholds. In addition to all the spaces that promote student success and lifelong learning, several spaces were designed specifically with accessibility… Continue Reading


A Virtual View

front entrance

Have you seen some of the renovation renderings of the new Forsyth Library and wondered, “where will this be exactly?” … “will this be on the main level?” … “I still can’t visualize how the stairs will be different …”… Continue Reading


A Temporary Home

Student Employees staffing the Custer Hall 304 Welcome Desk.

Back in February, the first of the Forsyth Library staff members started moving over to Custer Hall. By May, the last the staff members moved to Custer as Forsyth Library became a construction site. Custer Hall was built in 1922… Continue Reading


New Renderings


If all of the floor plans and text descriptions of the collaboration spaces, meeting spaces, and individual study rooms still haven’t painted a clear picture in your mind, here are a few new renderings to see how the newly renovated… Continue Reading